View Full Version : Death By Gun Control......

12-23-2023, 05:45 PM
The book by that title finally arrived and so far I have only looked through the Table of Contents and read the forward to it.

But ...

It is a very interesting forward and brings up points...some of which I knew but yet never quite connected the dots....historically...yet I should have so done....

For I knew immediately when I read that forward...the author/authors were correct...

I am thinking that the nation called Israel...is going to have to seriously re think disarming their people....in the wake of what happened on October 7 of this year ...a really really really stupid thing for the Israeli Government to do to their people.

It appears that the Israeli People do not have anything like a Second Amendment as is in our government charter......very very stupid of the Israeli Government.....just plain stupid to me.

In particular as the Jewish/Hebrew saying is ...."Never Again."

Do not take for granted that our own government here in the USA is any smarter than the Israeli Government....no matter how many degrees they have ...

Nonetheless....back to the book...by Aaron Zelman and Richard W. Stevens......,

I will be going through this book chapter by chapter as I am off for a little over a week.

Enjoying a good up of coffee and a Cannoli.......a wonderful combination here as the day transpires....

My non Ishmaelite .02,

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Be Warned these Ishmaelites in both political parties.......with their hands your liberties and freedoms.

My non Ishmaelite .02,

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I am asking myself ...if the "Cashless Society" will become as dangerous even deadly to the ordinary person ...in discriminatory political control.....as the breakdown of society.....rampant runaway violence....as government uses/misuses the power of a cashless society to prey on the people for not having the right opinions/views/vote/thoughts....spending habits and or limits....or Politically Correct if you prefer...

If the "Cashless Society" will become as dangerous/deadly to the people as "Death By Gun Control" in the title of the book I am currently reading..in describing government historical excesses.

For remember something here about government excesses....most of the inflation you see happening to us as Americans is because of Government Excesses in spending/money creation out of nothing.....these are extreme excesses.

Will a cashless society in the hands of government excesses become as deadly and dangerous as disarming the people....???

A type of double whammy....not only physically disarmed but monetarily disarmed as well.

Do you really trust government this far???? Not only with your guns ..but your monies???

Are we supposed to ever think this far on our own without permission of Experts???

Be Warned these Ishmaelites.....
