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View Full Version : What to take on a 30+ day cruise?

10-14-2011, 08:04 PM
well. What would ya take?

10-14-2011, 10:03 PM
A refund :D

Seriously though, I personally see a cruise as a time to decompress and allow yourself to relax. Its my understanding cruise ships are very well prepared to handle most emergencies they would experience, so the same cares and concerns I would have in many other places simply wouldn't apply. They're a shelter in and of themselves, are well stocked with food, have ample water and sanitation systems. They even have on board police/security and medical facilities.

I'd recommend money, a good camera, and whatever clothing you'd feel you need.

If you still feel a need to prep for emergencies, I'd recommend learning what systems they have in place, what restrictions they have on personal property, and determine what you could take that falls within their rules while being outside of their own coverage. Bet there won't be much.

10-14-2011, 10:10 PM
What's the cruise about? 30-day cruise isn't a regular cruise.

10-15-2011, 12:17 AM
If your limited to a certain number of carry-ons you may be hit. If you can do it though maybe a small assortment of survival items in a small bag you could strap on (firestarters, emergency blankets, multitool, you get the idea) so not to lose it if you went swimming. I'm not saying/jinxing you but then again I don't care so much for the no land in sight thing.

10-15-2011, 12:54 AM
What's the cruise about? 30-day cruise isn't a regular cruise.

I would think one that long would be going maybe to Europe?

10-15-2011, 01:08 AM
My wife an I are planning a 2 week cruise, so this has been on my mind for a while already...

... are well stocked with food, have ample water and sanitation systems.

Actually... a friend works for Carnival cruise lines, and they generally have enough food on board for 2-3 days... basically one extra day more than their next expected port of call. They will have some emergency stuff, and possibly enough to give everyone on board something beyond what they were expecting, but after that you are SOL. So personally, I would (and will be) take food with me. some dehydrated stuff and some power bars, prob some gateraid powder, some dried veggies and nuts. WHile I am on the ship I would be sneaking stuff back to the room from different meals, and rotate it out as necessary. They do have desalinators, so as long as they have power there will be water, but if there is an EMP type event, then that's gone too, So I would also be taking water bottles back to my room

10-15-2011, 01:17 AM
Remember last year or so when that ship got stranded in the Gulf and everyone got stuck eating PB&J and bologna and were so mad about it? I think I'm with sniper-t about bringing/stashing food along the way...maybe bring zip lock baggies with you to store whatever you take back to your room? Don't know if they have fridges in the rooms? Never been on a ship yet.

10-15-2011, 01:22 AM
Never been myself, and never plan to be, but I did totally forget about that, and admit that I think you two are spot on now that you've mentioned it.

The Stig
10-15-2011, 11:13 AM
well. What would ya take?

A metric shitpile of drugs to distract me from the fact I am.........on a boat.....for 30 days.

10-15-2011, 11:18 AM
LOTS of Phenagren.......and some Immodium.

10-15-2011, 10:11 PM
A metric shitpile of drugs to distract me from the fact I am.........on a boat.....for 30 days.

Spent 6 months in a row on an aircraft carrier that is far from having all the commodities that US carriers have.

10-16-2011, 07:10 PM
Several cases of alcohol gel for personal hygene, and a couple regimens of antibiotics, at least.
Maybe one of those CDC hazmat suits.

Cruise ship: the worlds' largest floating Petri dish.

10-16-2011, 10:54 PM
Gunfixr beat me to it...I was going to say a case of Hand Sanitizer.

10-17-2011, 03:57 PM
I'd also add, be the first one to hit the duty free zone and stockpile all the liquor and snacks you can afford. The liquor has multiple uses, not the least of which is to help you forget you're on a boat for 30 days. Which begs the question, why?

10-17-2011, 04:41 PM
lol - all you land-lubbers make me laugh.

Just the thought of being on a boat makes me giddy. Spending months on a 45' sailboat was just short of heaven!

rockin and rollin... up and down, side to side, uuuupp and ddoooooowwwwnnn....


generally, you're not allowed to buy bottles of booze, so you have to sneak them into your room. (They want you to pay bar prices), and duty free isn't offered until you are coming into your home port

10-17-2011, 05:12 PM
Well this question was theorhetical to begin with. BUT me and the fiancee do kinda wanna do a 30-60 day cruise eventually. Not sure the world situation will let us, but if things look good once the time comes then we will do it.

Main reason why..... Cuz we wanna see all those places we have only dreamt of ever seeing. It would that ONE once-in-a-lifetime vacation for us. And once i priced out the cost factor going the cruise route was WAY more affordable then flying, rent a hotel and car, pay for EVERY meal..... Yeah we enjoyed our Alaska cruise ( i HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend the alaska cruise). We have no issue of being on the water, rather we both enjoyed it a LOT.

But i was just curious what any of yous would take along special yet legal!! lol

10-17-2011, 05:34 PM
This has me thinking. . . how hard would it be to hijack/coomandeer a fully loaded, no passengers on it yet, cruise ship and use it as a BOL? Imagine the fun! Of course making the ship run on the course it needs to go and in the direction it needs to, and all the other mundane day to day basis things, well, may be a little bit out of my scope of ability. But im sure if you had enough knowledgeable crew, it could actually be done! hmmm. . . .

10-17-2011, 09:42 PM
SHAMELESS PLUG: Don't buy a cruise without checking my websites: Royal Caribbean Cruise :: Cruise Reservations and Cruise Deals (http://www.royalcaribbeancruise.com/) or http://www.cruise-experts.com/.