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10-19-2011, 05:09 PM
Most of us know how invaluable these types of pots are presently, and can be in a SHTF scenario... but how often do you actually use them? I have a couple, large and medium... and plan on picking up a smallish one, as currently, there is only my wife and I.

There are several ways to cook with them, depending on your situation, needs and type of oven. My medium one doesn't have legs, so it can be used stovetop as well as anything else, where the large one, with feet, cannot.

1. Bury in the ground - generally dig a fairly large hole, line it with hot rocks, insert pot (make sure lid is secure), cover with hot rocks, then bury with soil; and maintain a small fire over top. Be careful digging out and opening so you don't displace the lid.

2. Hang from tripod - suspended over a fire, adjust heat by building or banking the fire. Make sure you have a REALLY strong tripod. Cast Iron pots are heavy to begin with, add all your food/water, and it can be dangerous, and meal threatening.

3. Plop it into the coals - can add more coals to the top if the lid is set up with a lipped edge, or even if not. Be careful opening, as ashes can make their way inside.

4. Briquettes - probably one of the easiest, most common way that they are used. There are countless recipes for DO cooking with briquettes, which outline how many briquettes are needed for both top and bottom, and how often they need to be changed/added to.

The briquette method is the only one I haven't tried yet, but have been thinking lately, that it might be nice to have a couple bags of briquettes around, and to try a couple recipes. The fact that it is +35 deg and I don't want to use the stove/oven in the house may be a factor. lol

Anyone else do any DO cooking? What are some of your favourite recipes? Tips/tricks?

Here is a list of links to some different DO recipe sites. Feel free to post your own. and/or comment on any of these.

Mark's Black Pot - Dutch Oven Recipes & Cooking (http://www.marksblackpot.com/)
Cowboy Chuckwagon: Dutch oven cooking and sourdough specialies (http://www.cowboyshowcase.com/cowboy_chuckwagon.htm)
Comcast (http://papadutch.home.comcast.net/~papa) ... ecipes.htm
USSSP: Cooking - Dutch Oven Cooking (http://usscouts.org/cooking/cook_05.asp)
Dutch Oven Cooking Advice (http://www.dutchovendude.com/dutch-oven-cooking.shtml)

10-19-2011, 07:39 PM
I use cast iron daily, but not nearly enough as practice outside...thanks for the reminder.

10-19-2011, 10:21 PM
Growing up, I always use cast iron on Scouting trips. I cooked everything in cast iron. Love the stuff. Oddly enough, I've never used it indoors.

10-20-2011, 01:10 AM
We just got a cast Dutch Oven. Haven't even seasoned it yet, but we plan on trying some stuff over a fire and learn where we screwed up. I also got a metal tripod to hold it with. Found the tripod for $7.00, so I figured I couldn't go wrong.

10-20-2011, 01:20 AM
If you can, use a chain to hang the DO from the tripod... this will allow the easiest method of regulating the heat.. have a hook on the tripod end and just by hooking the chain in different places, you can get it closer to, or farther from the fire, while you are still able to stoke (or bank) your fire. If you DO has a lip, even though you are in the air with it, you can still put coals on the lid to facilitate more even cooking.

10-20-2011, 01:28 AM
The tripod came with a chain. The DO don't have a lip on the lid, it's a 6Qt model. It's just me and the wife here as well so I'm thinking about getting a 4-5 qt model and making sure it has a lip. It would be nice to have both models IMO.

10-20-2011, 01:39 AM
I use cast iron daily, but not nearly enough as practice outside...thanks for the reminder.

Ravensgrove do you use gas or electric inside? I have a little cast iron but I have a flat top range and I'm a little afraid of using it.

The Stig
10-20-2011, 02:11 AM
I love dutch ovens.

First I get my sneaky on and act like I'm adjusting the covers. Then, when Mrs Stig is unawares I yank them over her head all quick like.

Then.......well.....wait....what's the question?

10-20-2011, 04:27 AM
Growing up, I always use cast iron on Scouting trips. I cooked everything in cast iron. Love the stuff. Oddly enough, I've never used it indoors.

I'll have to check to make sure but I've heard that you can't use cast on flat tops.

10-20-2011, 06:00 AM
lady: I have both. I have done all three. Currently we have a flat top stove in the kitchen...which I abhore by the way, but the cast iron works fine on it. I also use it on the fire stove top, I have never had a gas range....so clueless.

10-20-2011, 06:10 AM
Ive done the outdoors cooking on a tripod, but havent used it inside yet. Ive got a regular cast iron pan from my grandma that Im pretty sure has been in the family for generations! I use that inside, but have never tried my Dutch oven inside, go figure!

10-20-2011, 11:12 AM
I use my regular cast iron pans and DO's on the stove inside all the time as well as on the gas stove at the lake. I also use both in the oven, and on the woodstove. I have a second 'camping' set for use over fire or on the BBQ, as the outside tends to get sooty/sappy. I've never had a glass cooktop, but I imagine the only limiting factor could be weight or dropping it.

10-20-2011, 12:42 PM
Now these are some amazing prices!!!

And shipping is included with most of the larger stuff no less!!

http://www.agrisupply.com/category.asp_ ... _E_6000136

edit... make sure to click on the stewpot/washpot page:


10-21-2011, 12:46 AM
Sniper I just got a e-mail from Agri supply today with the big cast iron on sale. i think I'm gonna place an order with them for some cast, but some other stuff as well.

10-21-2011, 04:20 AM
lady: I have both. I have done all three. Currently we have a flat top stove in the kitchen...which I abhore by the way, but the cast iron works fine on it. I also use it on the fire stove top, I have never had a gas range....so clueless.

I was wondering about scratching the top since it seems like ya have to be so careful with them. I had one that had the black and white mixed colored top so ya couldn't see scratches much but when we remodeled out kitchen I went with one that is totally black topped and stainless so it's like I have to be extra careful not to slide anything and use only pots/pans with complete flat bottoms (per the service man from LG).
I remember being a kid and my mom used cast iron all the time and my favorite was a flat round with a tiny lip on it...it made the best fried eggs, french toast and pancakes. She used gas and I loved cooking with it. I sure do miss those old days.....