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View Full Version : Night Vision Preps

10-23-2011, 02:41 AM
I don't know how many here have considered how you will defend or guard your location when night falls.

We all know how much bad guys like the darkness.

I have been looking at a cheap small night vision item to have for just such a thing.

But what I'm really excited about is this baby.

FLIR MS 324 First Mate Thermal Night Vision Camera at The GPS Store (http://www.thegpsstore.com/FLIR-MS-324-First-Mate-Thermal-Night-Vision-Camera-P2832.aspx)

This is a FLIR unit. It can see in the dark too. I think it's better than night vision because it detects thermal heat signatures.

NOTHING can hide from it.

It will also be used to find food animals in the dark.

I'm very impressed with how good this works. It has one setting that makes it look almost like daytime. Really cool item for survival.

The site I linked is the cheapest place for this unit. I saved about $400 compared to other sites.

Go to the FLIR site and watch the comparison video between night vision and FLIR.

FLIR Personal Vision Systems (http://flir.com/cvs/americas/en/personalvision/view/?id=42261)

10-25-2011, 11:17 PM
Oooo nice.

10-26-2011, 01:51 AM
Sweet wish I had one.

10-26-2011, 06:47 AM
Ive got a few toys set aside for night defense, not going to disclose it here, because then Izzy will know how to sneak up on me in the middle of the night!

10-26-2011, 07:42 AM
Sweet wish I had one.

There is a cheaper model of this one.

MS224 $1700

10-26-2011, 08:36 AM
Lol for most of us on here 1700 isnt cheap:p. But its definitely something to consider. Ill have to settle for some gen 2 or 3 nvgs, hard part will be slipping it by the wife.

10-26-2011, 11:35 AM
I could convince the wife (I think) but it would be for critter defence (in her mind)... It's nothing to have wolves or coyotes or even a cougar or two in my yard, or raccoons on the deck, in the barbeque etc. when the dog goes Balistic at 0200, I typically light up the area with a 15 million W flashlight. That and a couple shots will scare away, or just kill a 4 legged intruder. But I'd love to sit back and watch them in the dark... see what they are doing, where they're coming from, and where they are going.

But, alas, nightvision anything is mostly frowned upon in Canada.


10-26-2011, 12:25 PM
Ive got a few toys set aside for night defense, not going to disclose it here, because then Izzy will know how to sneak up on me in the middle of the night!

Now why on earth would I want to do that? Yall've taken this Izzy the Stalker thing a little to seriously:o

10-26-2011, 06:57 PM
I told my girlfriend about what it could do and she said...hell yea...

After I got it and she looked through it....she really said hell yea...

My guess is bad guys only come out at night. (the majority)

Remember...nothing (man or beast) can hide it's heat signature....

10-27-2011, 06:09 AM
There is a cheaper model of this one.

MS224 $1700

Sidewinder do you have a link?

10-27-2011, 09:05 AM
Sidewinder do you have a link?

the link in my original post.

Both units are on that page.

I did a lot of searching for the best prices...thai is it. Don't waste your time searching...(I'm not associated with this company or any other.)

This is a good price for this item.

I'm probably going to get one of these also.

Oceanmedix: ATN Night Storm 1 - black (http://www.oceanmedix.com/?_siteid=oceanmedix&_sessid=njeoylmg&action=sku&sku=dOM-ATN_NV_B)

10-29-2011, 06:40 AM
the link in my original post.

Both units are on that page.

I did a lot of searching for the best prices...thai is it. Don't waste your time searching...(I'm not associated with this company or any other.)

This is a good price for this item.

I'm probably going to get one of these also.

Oceanmedix: ATN Night Storm 1 - black (http://www.oceanmedix.com/?_siteid=oceanmedix&_sessid=njeoylmg&action=sku&sku=dOM-ATN_NV_B)

I went to that link but the price is $1999 and not $1700 so I was just wondering where you got that figure from?

10-29-2011, 08:04 AM
I went to that link but the price is $1999 and not $1700 so I was just wondering where you got that figure from?

Add it to your cart for the real price.

The one I bought says $2999 in the cart it's $2529 and there is a $20 off coupon code. Free shipping and no tax...

10-29-2011, 09:01 PM
Add it to your cart for the real price.

The one I bought says $2999 in the cart it's $2529 and there is a $20 off coupon code. Free shipping and no tax...

Ok, got it...thanks.

10-30-2011, 04:25 AM
I was planning on getting some NVGs, and trying to save some coin for at least Gen 2 or 3.
Just couldn't do it.
Ended up getting some nice Gen 1 gear a few months back. Granted, it'snot as nice as Gen 2 or 3, which I would prefer, but I have this now, should I need something, which is better than nothing. Later, I'll picj up the better stuff if zi can.
About $350 to my door, with headgear to wear it. It's a monacle, fully waterproof. It actually works pretty good, a "select" 1st Gen.
I also have some digital, but I don't like the absolute requirement to use the IR light. Some of the newer digital doesn't need the IR light.

10-30-2011, 11:54 AM
There was fog last night...saw right through it.

10-31-2011, 01:49 PM
I would so love to have something like that but alas.......too expensive and I could never explain the purchase to the hubbs.

11-01-2011, 01:06 AM
Now why on earth would I want to do that? Yall've taken this Izzy the Stalker thing a little to seriously:o

I heard its not actually considered stalking if you really really like the girl. . .

11-01-2011, 10:10 AM
I would so love to have something like that but alas.......too expensive and I could never explain the purchase to the hubbs.

You can see bad guys on the property and you can locate food animals at night. These are the most important reasons.

You could even see the animals hiding in the brush in daytime. I haven't tried it yet. But heat signatures show up day or night.

11-02-2011, 05:44 AM
You can see bad guys on the property and you can locate food animals at night. These are the most important reasons.

You could even see the animals hiding in the brush in daytime. I haven't tried it yet. But heat signatures show up day or night.

HA! You don't know her DH....he would have a cow!!!!!

11-02-2011, 05:25 PM
At the very least a cow! Then he'd probably file for divorce at that point. I need him more than I need a pair of night vision goggles.

11-02-2011, 06:11 PM
HA! You don't know her DH....he would have a cow!!!!!

Sooooo.... then you'd have your night vision... DH.... and a cow!

sounds like a win-win-win to me.

buy two pairs and you'll have meat AND milk for a couple years


11-03-2011, 05:12 AM
sooooo.... Then you'd have your night vision... Dh.... And a cow!

Sounds like a win-win-win to me.

Buy two pairs and you'll have meat and milk for a couple years

