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11-23-2011, 11:06 PM
Branching off my pudding thread, I was thinking.

We all put food up and many of us largely ignore expiration dates.

What is the oldest packaged food you ever ate? How old was it? How was it packaged? How did it taste?

Give us a review. It may help others like me have a rough idea how long we can keep certain types of food and they still be ok to eat.

I'll go first.

I ate pudding mix from 1998. Tasted fine. No ill side affects.

I've eaten 10 year old MRE's. Everything was fine except for the applesauce and cheese. Those had gone bad.

I ate 40 year old C-Rat crackers. Still crispy and not stale.

11-24-2011, 12:08 AM
This isn't the oldest but by category it is,

5 month of of date bottled Mayo. I was right at the throw away stage so 4 months it's still ok.

2 year out of date Kraft Mac & Cheese Thich 'n Creamy stored in original box on the shelf. Noddles still are good but Cheese is rancid.

1 year out Toothpaste, Thicker but still toothpaste.

7m out caned Chef Boyardee Ravioli, Still tastes the same.

2yr out Jiffy corn bread and Bisquick "Heart Smart" baking mix , Our buddy tried this and both didn't rise due to the "leavening" agent (baking Powder), *Baking Powders shelf life IS correct.

More too come. :)

11-24-2011, 01:11 AM
Hhmmm, 10yr old MREs recently, still good.
3-4 yr old canned goods, still good.
That's all I can think of at the moment.

11-24-2011, 03:04 AM
20 year old green split peas.

They were in a big glass jar hiding in the back of my parents pantry. They took a very long time to soften! They made a very yummy soup.

11-24-2011, 03:48 AM
so far, you get the longevity award.

Anyone else?

11-24-2011, 01:10 PM
10yr old MRE is a given, but fairly recently, I had an over 8yr old can of sardines in oil, and a 6+ years can of cassoulet (beans, beef, pork and goose).

Eating can that passed the date is safe if you follow 2 basic rules

1/ watch the top for curves and/or air popping out when you open it.
2/ look rust inside the can. I never buy bumped cans.

11-24-2011, 01:16 PM
Cleaned out an old cupboard at the family cabin a few years ago. all this stuff was essentially 'forgotten' and/or left for emergencies. All items were in the original packaging, stored in a dark wooden cupboard, with no 'modern' storage techniques...
Also, they underwent hot/cold cycles every year, as the cabin is closed up for the winter, and with the exception of a few sno-mo trips would get -40C. In the summer, all closed up it would hit +40C in there as well:

No-name brand mac and cheese, 1988
Canned sardines, 1984
unknown brand maple syrup, 1982
kraft mac and cheese, 1980
bisquick, 1979

(no label-hand written on tin):
canned pork and beans , 1976
canned peaches, 1974
canned plums, 1974
canned fruit cocktail, 1974
canned klik, 1974
canned milk, 1974
Bagged oatmeal, 1974
cream of wheat, 1974
macaronni, 1974
Long grain rice, 1974

* all of this stuff got used for bear bait... but I wanted to see what it was like, so I tried some of everything, before dumping it into the barrel.


All of the canned goods tasted ok, but were basically mush in a can. resembled babyfood to look at, and was all darker than what it should have been.

One can of klik had a serious dent in it, more like a crease, but there was no difference inside to a normal can.

All of the mac and cheeses were fine (cheese and all)

The oatmeals/cream of wheat tasted stale... but was still edible

Rice and pasta were fine

To put this into perspective... this is a remote cabin, that is a 3 hour drive, then a 1/2 boat ride, or a 1-1/2 hour sno-mo ride to get to. We had a serious incident out there in 1974, and after that, my dad built a cupboard and slid it under one of the beds. He stocked it, and we all basically forgot about it. The more 'current' stuff in the list was in the normal cupboard, just shoved to the back. most of the 1974 items were multiples of everything.

I don't know if you guys do this too.... but out there, and for me, even at home, I use a sharpie, and label date/month on the top of all my canned goods/pantry items.

Incidentally, there were also boxes of wooden matches (redbird) - good
can of Naptha - evaporated out
zippo - dried out, but ok
can of butane - evaporated out
gun solvent - evaporated out
gun oil - fine, possibly a little thicker
propane mantels - fine
Sparkplugs - assume ok... no longer have the outboards that they fit.
tools - oiled in a plastic bag - like new

11-24-2011, 08:55 PM
Nice to know.

Yes, we date all foods with month and year, and eat the oldest first for rotation.

11-25-2011, 02:43 AM
Velveeta Cheese Block...one year out of expiration date...gray and nasty looking. Didn't want to take the chance...tossed it.

Kraft Deluxe/Velveeta Shells and Cheese...anywhere from six months to a year outside expiration date...cheese sauce is thick, a little off color and VERY salty - like the moisture has evaporated and you're left with a Salt Lick - edible but don't recommend

12-04-2011, 11:18 PM
DelMonte Fruit canned in Juice as opposed to Syrup. Anywhere from a few months to a year outside expiration date. I've opened several now so I know it wasn't an isolated incident. They are still edible but contain a heavy amount of "mother" (cloudy liquid) and seem to breaking down to a softer mush than normal canned fruit. In the future I'll stick with fruit in syrup as the sugar helps act as a preserving agent. Maybe it should also be noted that these cans are the new Pop-Top style. I wonder if that has anything to do with it?

Cherry Jell-O - 11 months out of expiration - I noticed as I was dissolving it in hot water that it wanted to seperate. I couldn't figure out if was the sugar, coloring, gelatin or what. Added cold water and could still these little granules floating around. Added sweetened condensed milk and fruit, but it still wouldn't come together like I'm used to seeing. After it was chilled you can see little granules of "??" below a very thin (1/16 inch?) clear coating on top which I assume is gelatin. It tastes just fine, just looks a little funny if you look close enough.

Aldi Stonemill brand Brown Gravy Packet - 11 months out of expiration - still dry and powdery and tasted just fine.

12-05-2011, 01:46 AM
C Rats from the early 50s and some 40 year old plum jam that my mom made, both were good.

12-05-2011, 05:49 AM
Ive got a Egg Omlet MRE from 1986. . . . A buddy sent it to me on a dare to eat it, Its been kept in a cool place for the last 15 years that he had it, and since two months ago when he sent it to me on a "I dare ya to eat this" bet. . .

Still havent bit the bullet. . . . anyone want to help a guy out? Will ship for free! Only caveat is you have to post up a review with pics! (his caveat to me!)

12-05-2011, 05:57 AM
I'd probably eat it, long as it didn't look or smell rotten when I opened it.
Certainly not the oldest, but the other day I ate a Hersheys bar I found in my shop that was over a year past the exp date on the wrapper. Just a regular bar from the store, not an MRE bar.

12-05-2011, 09:11 PM
Ive got a Egg Omlet MRE from 1986. . . . A buddy sent it to me on a dare to eat it, Its been kept in a cool place for the last 15 years that he had it, and since two months ago when he sent it to me on a "I dare ya to eat this" bet. . .

Still havent bit the bullet. . . . anyone want to help a guy out? Will ship for free! Only caveat is you have to post up a review with pics! (his caveat to me!)

Izzy will do it... He is our volunteer resident guinea pig. :)

12-05-2011, 11:45 PM
If I was closer, I would taste it.

12-06-2011, 10:49 PM
Tonight - Pioneer Brand Country Gravy Mix - 14 months out of expiration - was still powdery and mixed up just fine

12-07-2011, 04:23 PM
Tonight - Pioneer Brand Country Gravy Mix - 14 months out of expiration - was still powdery and mixed up just fine

Tasted fine too. :)

12-07-2011, 06:19 PM
Ive got a Egg Omlet MRE from 1986. . . . A buddy sent it to me on a dare to eat it, Its been kept in a cool place for the last 15 years that he had it, and since two months ago when he sent it to me on a "I dare ya to eat this" bet. . .

Still havent bit the bullet. . . . anyone want to help a guy out? Will ship for free! Only caveat is you have to post up a review with pics! (his caveat to me!)

Send it to me...seriously. That was always my favorite. I'll rip that bad boy open and ingest it pronto. I'll do a real nice review.

10-16-2012, 03:49 PM
I had to laugh as I typed that title... I can only imagine the possible reponses.

I'm sitting here at my desk snacking on a can of Armour Potted Meat on Saltines. (No I didn't lose a bet, I like this stuff)
This particular can was rotated out of my GHB a while back, and has been sitting in my desk for at least a few months. I noticed the "Best By Date" is 07-11-10, which concerns me not at all. Looks fine, tastes fine, smells fine... No worries.
I started to wonder what is the oldest food I have ever eaten? I know I've eaten a canned ham that was a year or so past the date, and maybe a prehistoric MRE, but they don't really count as food anyway.
My Mom has, in her basement, some green beans that were canned in mason jars back in the 60's... They look as fresh as if they were canned yesterday... I'm thinking about popping open a jar and trying them. If I do, I'll get some pics, and post them.... If I survive. :D

10-16-2012, 04:42 PM
It's kinda funny how some topics get repeated. One Colony, One mind :)

Here's a link to a previous discussion on the subject, but since we have so many new members since then, it's a great time for a bump...


10-16-2012, 04:46 PM
Dang.... Sorry bout that! I gotta start searching before I post! :mad:

10-16-2012, 04:47 PM
I would get banned if I answered this truthfully.

10-16-2012, 04:47 PM
No worries mate! Like I said, be interesting to hear some new responses!

10-16-2012, 05:13 PM
I would get banned if I answered this truthfully.

Ok, you got me, now I'm curious.....

10-16-2012, 05:20 PM
Ok, you got me, now I'm curious.....

Use your imagination.

10-16-2012, 05:33 PM
^^^ ugh, men. :rolleyes:

10-16-2012, 05:35 PM
you are quite possibly correct 4such... Helo is one weird duck (lover)

10-16-2012, 05:40 PM
Can't help it.

10-16-2012, 08:58 PM
sorry, guys. just made me laugh. thanks, i needed a good one. : )

Taz Baby
10-16-2012, 09:10 PM
Don't want to gross anyone out, but When living in the jungle We were at a village, that we were invited to as to let us know we were accepted. They put on a feast and before we got there we had to tell the kids not to make funny faces if they did not like the food. Just politely sneak it to the dog. Anyway the food was good and I asked what it was, (wrong move on my part) Well they took me out back to show me and there was a string of baby skinned monkeys hanging on a clothes line. Don't know how old they were or how long they were hanging there but from the flies I saw hanging around I didn't want to know. Long story short. I barfed and they shot poison darts at us as we were getting out of dodge. But dang that meat was good.

10-16-2012, 11:25 PM
DelMonte Fruit canned in Juice as opposed to Syrup. Anywhere from a few months to a year outside expiration date. I've opened several now so I know it wasn't an isolated incident. They are still edible but contain a heavy amount of "mother" (cloudy liquid) and seem to breaking down to a softer mush than normal canned fruit. In the future I'll stick with fruit in syrup as the sugar helps act as a preserving agent. Maybe it should also be noted that these cans are the new Pop-Top style. I wonder if that has anything to do with it?

Update: almost a year after this post we are still enjoying the fruit and it doesn't taste much different. It's one to two years out of date now.

10-17-2012, 03:20 AM
It's kinda funny how some topics get repeated. One Colony, One mind :)

Here's a link to a previous discussion on the subject, but since we have so many new members since then, it's a great time for a bump...


I took care of that............merged the threads.

10-17-2012, 04:46 AM
Don't really know it was either some really bad meat or a fine soft cheese.
Have ate WW II K-rations many times in the mid 60's.

10-18-2012, 02:45 AM
I tried a pack of Kraft Mac & cheese that was 2 year expired the cheese power that was supposed to be yellowish orange, was actually burnt orange-brownish, smelled ok, but tasted like hell, the worst part was waiting while boiling another 6 cups of water and having to wait to make another batch of non expired :mad:

10-18-2012, 03:43 AM
The oldest thing lately was a 3 year old bottle of V8 juice out of the pantry while making chili. The color had turned darker deep red, but smelled and tasted fine.

10-18-2012, 04:36 AM
I honestly don't know because I remember when food didn't have an expiration date. And I'm not THAT old! I routinely use dry mixes and canned goods well past the date, but I think I pushed my luck today with a chicken I roasted 4 days ago and turned into enchiladas 3 days ago. I had one for breakfast today and felt sick all day. Or maybe it was 2 days ago. Today would be the 3rd day. Either way, it was too long. Old canned goods Ok, old fresh food bad.

10-19-2012, 01:47 AM
V-8 and chili... two thumbs up! It's good to see ya again Songbird.

10-20-2012, 07:17 PM
My mom told me that unopened milk will last a long time past the expiration date.

10-27-2012, 04:33 AM
My experience, Milk only lasts about 3 weeks past date on the carton/jug, Had a half gallon in fridge for about 3 weeks , unopened WAAAAY in the back. Once dh opened it went bad in about 3 days after that but there was only a small amount in the jug when it did sour.

10-28-2012, 03:13 PM
Cool thread.

When My grandmother died in '94 we had to do the clean out thing in her house. My grandmother was an avid cook and canner. We opened fig preserves that were dated 1971. They tasted as good as any I ever ate. There were some tomatos that were dated 1987. Perfect. In fact everytime we tried was just fine and took it all home. I use some those same jars today. We followed the rules and checked the jar lids to make sure they had not snapped and were nice a white when opened. Yes there were some jars, maybe 10% that had lost their seal and gone bad. Still think that to be pretty good %s...

I learned a bunch in the clean out. She kept everything in her big pantry. Dark and had it's own ac/heat vent. It was all dated when it was canned. I started dating everything from that point on. I have some green beans I opened about a month ago I canned in '01. Taste as good as fresh ones. Keep 'em cool, out of the light and I think they will last a very long time.


11-13-2012, 11:31 PM
tonight I dug out some almost 2 year expired mashed potatoes , I have to say that taste dropped to about a 7.5 or 8 out of 10, but I mixed some shredded cheese in there and enjoyed.
http://i639.photobucket.com/albums/uu118/rentprop1boats/th_Picture1002.jpg (http://s639.photobucket.com/albums/uu118/rentprop1boats/?action=view&current=Picture1002.jpg)

11-14-2012, 01:43 AM
Mid 1960's ate a number of late WWII K-rations and in 1979 was eating late Korea or early Vietnam C-Rations.
Loved the turkey loaf and the fruit cake.

11-14-2012, 07:58 AM
I just had recently a 4-yr passed date powdered soup. Opened the bag, saw that the power was till dry, cooked it and ate it. Simple and tasty.