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View Full Version : Will the Pakistani incident trigger SHTF?

Grumpy Old Man
11-28-2011, 06:17 PM
I've been watching with deep anxiety the news regarding the NATO airstrike on the Pakistani checkpoint last week. What is even more disturbing is the demand for the US to exit Shamsi Airbase within 15 days. Sometime ago I recall that China indicated that an attack on Pakistan would be considered and act of war with China and Afghanistan has said that they will side with Pakistan against the US. The latest from Fox News indicates that the checkpoint fired on NATO forces first.

Pakistani Officials Deny Reports That Fire From Pakistan Led To Attack | Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/11/27/afghan-officials-fire-from-pakistan-led-to-attack/?test=latestnews)

What is most distressing is that our troops method of resupply is being removed and essentially they will be stranded in Afghanistan. Added to this Pakistan is going to sign an agreement with Iran to construct an oil pipeline between their two countries. I feel deep in my bones that this won't end well.

11-28-2011, 08:31 PM
Pakistan has been playing both side against each other for some time now. This would not be the first time that they have instigated an issue.

11-28-2011, 09:42 PM
I agree, the only thing the Pak's want from us is our money. Otherwise there not much different than Iran. Just a lot more populous. Plus they have known Nuc's. Between them, China, and Iran nothing good will come from this.

11-29-2011, 02:03 AM
blah! it isn`t 2012 yet... so all is good!


11-29-2011, 03:32 AM
We are in a no win situation. We know they hate us and I almost want to believe that they actually did something to instigate the strike so that the gov't could have a reason to kow tow to the taliban, yet we cannot cut off the money to them because if we do the country will certainly be overrun by the taliban and the muslim brotherhood and any other extreme islaam muslim group who would love to get their hands on those nukes and use them against us and isreal.
What is going on in all of these muslim countries should be scaring the shit out of every American. The middle east is like a boil getting ready to burst and we are right in the center of it all.

11-30-2011, 12:44 AM
I totally agree. It would shock me to learn that they did not start the incident that saw us respond with a helo attack. It seems we have to have several layers of approval to take a crap let alone fire someone up.

About the only folks there who want anything to do with us is a very small group of their leaders, so they can get our money a live like kings. The rest of the country want to see us crash and burn.

Add to that the episode in Iran at the British embassy today, which sure looks like it was guided by the gov. The area is a tinderbox just waiting on a spark.

11-30-2011, 01:42 AM
We all know that something is going to ignite the tinder box and lead us into the abyss. We just don't which crisis yet.
This might be the beginning and yet it may be something else. The best we can do is keep on keeping on and keeping a close watch on events.

Hopefully with all our eyes and ears focused we'll have some kind of advanced warning no matter how large or small the window.
Our govt. is like the saying ; Stupid is as Stupid does. Where they say ; There's light at the end of the tunnel ; We say yes but it could also be a train coming at us.

11-30-2011, 04:17 AM
I agree BP...there are too many layers...our guys have to say Mommy May I? even to take their safety off of their guns let alone perform such an airstrike. I would not be surprised if the wrong coordinates were given on purpose, an "incident" created all so their gov't could cave to the taliban and still get our money. It's a win win.

11-30-2011, 06:57 AM
HEY SIDEWINDER...REMEMBER WRITING THIS LAST MONTH OVER ON THE "NOW" SITE??? HMMMMMM. Makes ya wonder if there was a plan after all, doesn't it?

sidewinder October 23 QuoteFlag
Afghanistan to back Pakistan if wars with U.S.: Karzai

Afghanistan to back Pakistan if wars with U.S.: Karzai - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/afghanistan-back-pakistan-wars-u-karzai-023316217.html)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Afghanistan would support Pakistan in case of military conflict between Pakistan and the United States, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said in an interview to a private Pakistani TV channel broadcast on Saturday.

Our people are dying in his stinkin' country as we speak...RAT BASTARD...

11-30-2011, 08:47 AM
Not until Pakistan nukes Chicago...wait for it...

11-30-2011, 12:15 PM
Our people are dying in his stinkin' country as we speak...RAT BASTARD...

Even worse, we're arming and training them. Next thing we know is that more of our boys will die because of that. When are we going to learn ...

11-30-2011, 01:23 PM
Even worse, we're arming and training them. Next thing we know is that more of our boys will die because of that. When are we going to learn ...

We won't learn until politicians get out of war planning and let the military do their job. Turn loose the dogs of war and let them do their missions. War is an ugly creature and you only win by totally destroying the enemy and putting enough fear in them to surrender with the knowledge that next time it would mean total destruction for all of them.

Next ; take care of our own country and only those allies who stand 100% with us. The rest can fight amongst themselves for all I care. Just don't bring it to my country.
But then maybe I'm dreaming again.

12-02-2011, 01:28 AM
We won't learn until politicians get out of war planning and let the military do their job. Turn loose the dogs of war and let them do their missions. War is an ugly creature and you only win by totally destroying the enemy and putting enough fear in them to surrender with the knowledge that next time it would mean total destruction for all of them.

Yup...read the Koran and you can see why the enemy is so powerful.

12-02-2011, 01:50 AM
i don't see them as powerful at all. I see them as snivelling cowards, and yes, I have read the Koran.

12-02-2011, 02:10 AM
i don't see them as powerful at all. I see them as snivelling cowards, and yes, I have read the Koran.

They may be snivelling cowards to you but they have a common goal and stand together which in the long run means power. They will be able to lead the sheeple under the guise of mohammad's commands. They will not give up even if it means the sacrifice of their women and children in a mosque which makes it very hard for our people to fight.

12-02-2011, 02:18 AM
If the PC , tolerance at all costs liberals would get the hell out of the way, we wouldn't have any problem at all dealing with them. The only thing they really seem to understand is brute force.

12-02-2011, 02:37 AM
Agreed. And they are going to ruin this country by doing the same thing.

12-02-2011, 01:13 PM
If the PC , tolerance at all costs liberals would get the hell out of the way, we wouldn't have any problem at all dealing with them. The only thing they really seem to understand is brute force.

P.C. = Passive Communism in the sense that they believe they can convert our country without ever firing a shot. Slowly change the system and people into a new way of thinking and life style.

1- dumb down kids thru education
2- take control of parenting without the parents even seeing it happen. This part happens after #1 has been achieved.
3-Pass laws to get people beholden to Govt. hand outs and get them addicted to them. Welfare; free medical ; housing; education and so on.
4- Pass any law that restricts personal freedom and movement.
5- Set up courts friendly to Govt. thinking.

There is more ; But this is just a sample. Their plan is to have more people thinking like them than there are of us because they know we're armed and won't go down without a fight.
They need cannon fodder for their front lines.

They truly believe that people like us are wolves out to destroy freedom thru hard work and accountability instead of taking what they have to offer. Since in their minds they know best.
The Govt. follows the same rules as Islam in the sense that's it is okay to Lie ; Cheat ; Steal and kill in the name of helping you.

Nothing good ever comes easy or without a stiff price. We'll be called upon by all that's true and morally right in the days to come and I truly believe that they are in for a rude awakening because talk is one thing and standing your ground willing to give all is another. They live in gilded cages and have no back bone ; have no desire to bleed ; suffer for their cause ; hence the cannon fodder.

May we all keep a constant vigil less we be caught sleeping.

12-02-2011, 11:14 PM
Excellent post Eagle! I totally agree with you. It is time to be very watchful of everything our GOV does, from local thru the FEDS. The PC crowd is all around and will take plenty of folks working to shut that kinda crap down.

12-02-2011, 11:51 PM
Thanks Backpacker. Just hope I'll be around long enough to see my kids; G-children and great G-kids live free.

12-03-2011, 12:53 AM
I don't have any kids, but I sure have the same hopes for my neice's and nephew's.

12-03-2011, 02:03 AM
eagle you are spot on with your assessment of how a country is turned. Look at Germany and the Hitler Youth. He understood that if you controlled the kids' minds you controlled the future. He was pure evil but he was also brilliant. It scares me to see what is going on in our own gov't and see so much in common. Some of you may already know that my mother is from East Germany under Hitler and escaped communism when she was 18 and she is always telling me right now that she sees our country headed in that direction and Americans had better get their heads out of the sand because it is coming very fast. I guess one must have lived under those circumstances in order to know what it looks like up close and personal. I wonder if anyone has actually counted the number of open socialist Senators and Congressmen we have in power right now. Obama has appointed openly socialist "czars" in all of his new committees...look at the new head of Medicare - he loves Great Britain's healthcare system. Excuse me???
Again, eagle you have named a lot of the issues and are right that there are more. I wonder so very often though, how many Americans will actually stand up and fight for this country. How many will really arm themselves? Will it be too late for us to do anything? Who actually will you fight? "The gov't" is an abstract idea, not a physical thing that you can put down when they come to your door. The ones coming will probably be your local LEO, those of you in large cities may not have a problem fighting them but us in small towns, they are our neighbors. I hope when that time comes all of them (and those of us who also signed on that dotted line at some point in our lives) will remember our Oath to defend against enemies both foreign and domestic and not cross that line and stand with the people they are sworn to defend. The question now is, how do we stop it peacefully now before it get's out of hand and cannot be turned back. BTW, my mom says that once communism is in place it takes approximately 50 years to reverse.

12-03-2011, 02:54 AM
[Again, eagle you have named a lot of the issues and are right that there are more. I wonder so very often though, how many Americans will actually stand up and fight for this country. How many will really arm themselves? Will it be too late for us to do anything? Who actually will you fight? "The gov't" is an abstract idea, not a physical thing that you can put down when they come to your door. The ones coming will probably be your local LEO, those of you in large cities may not have a problem fighting them but us in small towns, they are our neighbors. I hope when that time comes all of them (and those of us who also signed on that dotted line at some point in our lives) will remember our Oath to defend against enemies both foreign and domestic and not cross that line and stand with the people they are sworn to defend. The question now is, how do we stop it peacefully now before it get's out of hand and cannot be turned back. BTW, my mom says that once communism is in place it takes approximately 50 years to reverse.

First; Let me apologize if I say anything to offend.
Many will not stand up for it's already too late; they have lost the power of individual thinking and believe weapons are bad. That is until they're used against them by their own Govt. Then it'll be too late to them. They will either be dead or workers for the new Govt. power.

For those coming as you say could be our neighbors or even family. So here is my belief.
The oath is binding until you die. no ifs ands or buts. If any of the above mentioned cross that line I will personally end their life if I have to. I really don't want to but sometimes even though you have a heart you must go totally cold hearted or else you and yours will not survive.
Now this is something you'll have to live with till you die. Ask yourself this. Are you willing to be a slave to a master not knowing what they may do to you ; or your children ?
You probably know what happened to women in WW-2. The one thing Vietnam taught me was man's inhumanity towards man. And how only a small portion of the population was willing to fight for their freedom.

We as our forefathers will be the 3% of the population who'll hold the line. I firmly believe the 2012 elections will be our answer if we make it that far. If Obama is re- elected then we all had better hope we can muster together somehow. They may have the weapons but there are ways to level the battle field to our advantage.
There are many on this site alone who know how to make it happen.

I came to the conclusion years ago as to what I may have to do if I cross paths with family ; friends or neighbors. I did not then nor now take my decision lightly. It'll be a choice everyone will have to make at that time. My country ; family ; friends and neighbors of like mind come before those who don't.

Hard choices for sure but one we all have to make. I truly pray I'll never have to make that decision.
Finally ; There is a bit of a ground swell against the govt. ; Just don't think it's big enough so far. And personally don't believe they'll go peacefully into the night.

Oh Yea; I would concur with your mom's time line.

12-03-2011, 04:03 AM
eagle you said nothing to offend me at all. I totally agree with everything you said. I believe we are on the same wavelength. Being prior military I take my Oath very seriously although my MOS was to heal not to kill. I have learned from my husband however to shoot very well and I have become very jaded with what has happened in this country and the world as a whole. I never would have believed I would have the political views that I now have or even the predjudices (if that's what ya want to call them - maybe not in the oldfashioned way) that have developed in my heart. I hate that it has come to this but forces beyond my control have made me this way and I will no longer apologize for anything. We are fighting for our survival now and it's either "us" or "them" and that's the bottom line. It's no longer some war in a far away place that we'll never see...it's here in our backyard. Just a different kind of war. It's a silent one...a war from within like a cancer. Those of us here understand that and that's why we are preppers. Yes, we prep for natural disasters because they happen and we all should be able to go through them and not have to worry about FEMA coming in and taking over our lives. But the big picture is always SHTF in a way that will forever change our country. A way that all of us will have to band together and support each other and become "us" in order to survive and keep this country a place of "the home of the brave and the land of the free" that we have cherished for our short history.
We now have a bill in the senate that could take away even more of our rights and freedoms away that no one is even talking about. Anyone heard of Senate Bill 1867 and the vote that just happened?

12-03-2011, 12:45 PM
Yes I've been watching Senate bill 1867. That's one reason I brought up the 2012 elections. Pass this bill and they could set up a false or black flag event and begin to institute their agenda. At this point in time I put nothing past T.P.T.B.
This will give them the power to outlaw all people like us and turn us into criminals. Plus the power to confiscate our weapons ; food and belongings for the greater good. Nothing to do but watch and wait. All messages to Congressmen and Senators seem to be falling on deaf ears.

12-03-2011, 03:57 PM
Great post Eagle & Lady! I have never served, but share your beliefs as stated.
I have been following SB1867 this week and have to say that it took me back a little. I knew the crud in DC would do anything. However this is just blatant and again nothing in the media about it. Everyone needs to contact their congressmen and senators ASAP.

12-03-2011, 04:10 PM
Great post Eagle & Lady! I have never served, but share yoiur beliefs as stated.
I have been following SB1867 this week and have to say that it took me back a little. I knew the crud in DC would do anything. However this is just blatant and again nothing in the media about it. Everyone needs to contact their congressmen and senaters ASAP.

It may be too late. Lets hope not ; but prepare .

12-03-2011, 05:40 PM
Unless you have overwhelming numbers contacting a Senator or Congressman to express a like or dislike for a particular piece of legislation, they are going to do what is best for them politically and power wise.

I took my first oath some 31 years ago. It has no expiration date. Neighbors, friends, family members that may be on the "otherside", are just that and as such , if they infirigne on thre rights stated in the Constitution will bear the full weight if their decission to abridge those rights. I belong to enough organizations and websites, to be on every 'enemies" list of the present administration, as do most if not all of us here. It is because we prep and hold the rights stated in the Constitution so dear that we are feared.

12-03-2011, 08:23 PM
Unless you have overwhelming numbers contacting a Senator or Congressman to express a like or dislike for a particular piece of legislation, they are going to do what is best for them politically and power wise.

I took my first oath some 31 years ago. It has no expiration date. Neighbors, friends, family members that may be on the "otherside", are just that and as such , if they infirigne on thre rights stated in the Constitution will bear the full weight if their decission to abridge those rights. I belong to enough organizations and websites, to be on every 'enemies" list of the present administration, as do most if not all of us here. It is because we prep and hold the rights stated in the Constitution so dear that we are feared.

You could not be more right in you stance. Yes you need big numbers to your Reps. or they'll do as you stated and that is why I believe 2012 is the line in the sand. As for outsiders ; They chose their side and must live and die with it. Some choices may not be easy for some but they are decisions that will have to be made when the time comes.

12-08-2011, 02:13 AM
I'm going to sit back and see where this goes. IF it goes bad, everyones invited to the party at my place..............

12-08-2011, 03:34 AM
I'm going to sit back and see where this goes. IF it goes bad, everyones invited to the party at my place..............

Hey, we just bought a nice chunk of land and get this....the gate ya have to go through has spikes on it facing the outside! I think that's a hint from the neighbor (there is an easement on his property so we can get to ours - we have NO road frontage) that he doesn't screw around with treaspassers. He even has a "Don't Tread On Me" flag in his yard. Looking forward to meeting him. So, I think we could have a hell of a time at our place! Oh yeah, gotta build some stuff first...barns, ponds, guest cabin (that'll be first), main house, work shop...hope the neighbors are friendly and have lots of implements of destruction!

12-08-2011, 04:52 PM
I'm going to sit back and see where this goes. IF it goes bad, everyones invited to the party at my place..............

Sounds good Izzy. Always loved Tennessee. Now all we need is Sparrow in some Daisy Duke shorts out by the redneck tree stand. :D

12-08-2011, 05:16 PM
I'm up for that!
I'll bring the stand!

12-09-2011, 12:02 AM
I'm up for that!
I'll bring the stand!

And I'll bet you'll volunteer to stand guard for her to. :)