Sniper might like this , Got a new addition to the feline family. We have a new kitty to help keep Miss Chloe company and to keep the home mouse free.She's taking a bit to warm up to Chip as she is almost 13 years old and the Chipster is only about 1 and gets the "zoomies" aka running around like a nut, he's still very much in "kitten" mode. Since Miss Zephyr passed she's been lonely and over grooming to the point of having made bald spots on herself.So vet and DH decided we should get her a "buddy" and we have a calming collar on her. It's working, the bald spots are coming back and she's starting to warm up to Chip.DH said this morning when he went to feed them , they were eating together without Miss Chloe "stealing" his food and hissing /growling at him. AND this morning , they both were on the bed with me without a fuss, so here's hoping things keep getting better.