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Thread: Job possibility for me

  1. #1
    Premium Member

    TEOTWAWKI13's Avatar
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    Job possibility for me

    Ok, sorry for the long thread title, it is a financial issue. I left a job 2 Jun 2010 that I had been at for 6 years and was worked up to a promotion into managment and thought my immediate future and money was set, nearly in stone. The reason I left, the economy started taking a toll on car business, and we went from a 100-120 car a month store, to a 75-80 car a month store, and as a result I got the end around treatment (polite way of saying I got ####). I was promised a job promotion for over a year, and they gave the job to a kid who had only been in the car business 2 yrs, paying him almost half of what my level of experience would command, etc.

    I got my last paycheck and left. I have literally bounced around since then, not being able to find a comparable job, since the market has been flooded with upper level managers competing for the same lower level jobs I am competing for, with all the dealerships closing recently, and I have made NO money to speak of, bills have been paid, but late, life hasn't been thrilling to say the least. We all know that if money is tight, problems arise at home because of it.

    Well, I sent my resume to a job opening in Chattanooga this week, the guy said he couldn't use me since I didn't live in Chattanooga and he thought the 1 hour commute from my house daily wouldn't work, but he sent my resume to their location in Marietta, GA. Not a sales manager postition, but a sales position. I spoke with the manager there, and I have an interview there Tuesday next week. Actually half an hour closer to my house in drive time.

    The company sells new and used vehicles equipped with handicapped assisting equipment, as well as just the equipment to put into an existing vehicle. Kind of a cool thing to be helping people. The job is Monday thru Friday 9-5, I will (potentially) be 1 of 4 sales people, the top two guys have been there 14+ yrs, the third lady a little over a year was hired because someone retired. The top guy makes $120k+ a year in commission. I'd honestly be happy with half that, but I'm a good enough salesman that I could scare $100k over time. Turnover is non existent in other words, and I could be there for a loooong time to come, making good money, helping folks, having more family and free time.

    Benefits, health insurance for me and the wife again, vacation time, etc. In other words, a dream job of sorts for a car salesman. I haven't had Saturdays off, with rare exception, in 9+ years. Having two kids, a wife, and a yard to keep up, that alone is worth it's weight in gold.

    So, I'm praying like a man who hasn't prayed enough recently that this interview goes well. The guy seemed to talk like the job was all but mine, but it's not mine yet, and I really want this job badly.

    So any prayers thrown up for me would be greatly appreciated. If you don't pray, cross your fingers or whatever it is that you do.


  2. #2
    The source of all known trouble in the universe

    RedJohn's Avatar
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    I'll think of you when you're there. I am sure that you'll get the job!

  3. #3
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    Thanks bud, means a lot, and thanks for the thread move and title shortening. I got a bit carried away.

    I hope it's mine. I could use the money. Got more preps to buy.
    Last edited by TEOTWAWKI13; 03-18-2011 at 08:34 PM.

  4. #4
    The source of all known trouble in the universe

    RedJohn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TEOTWAWKI13 View Post
    Thanks bud, means a lot, and thanks for the thread move and title shortening. I got a bit carried away.

    I hope it's mine. I could use the money. Got more preps to buy.
    I just got fired because I was requesting everybody to stop smoking at work. I know what you're going through.

  5. #5
    Claims to have NEVER worn pink. Likely story.

    Twitchy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedJohn View Post
    I just got fired because I was requesting everybody to stop smoking at work. I know what you're going through.
    WOW... I hope you told the boss to stuff his decision where the sun doesn't shine!

  6. #6
    The source of all known trouble in the universe

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    Quote Originally Posted by vertstang86 View Post
    WOW... I hope you told the boss to stuff his decision where the sun doesn't shine!
    Unfortunately, he is the boss. He fired me for wrong motives. I am suing the crap out of him.

  7. #7

    gunbuilder69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedJohn View Post
    I just got fired because I was requesting everybody to stop smoking at work. I know what you're going through.
    But you were so nice to me when I smoke,lol
    It's only a wuss caliber until I shoot you with it!

  8. #8
    The source of all known trouble in the universe

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    Quote Originally Posted by gunbuilder69 View Post
    But you were so nice to me when I smoke,lol
    That was what 10 minutes in forever? At work, it was 10 hours per day, everyday. Working in a constant cigarette smoke cloud.

  9. #9
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Prayers sent TET, best of luck.
    RJ, sorry to hear about the crap they are putting you thru. I pray that end's well.

  10. #10
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    Believe me, TEOTWAWKI I know how you feel. I was at a dealership for 7 years, worked my way into management then told one day they found someone that was willing to do the job cheaper! And, BAM! Done... And, they are the ones who set my pay plan.... sheesh

    I myself bounced around the past year, struggled to keep my house, pay bills etc.... I just started at a new dealership about two weeks ago. So far so good.

    I hope it turns out well for you to. It's a TOUGH market out there right now!



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