Wow...what a year.

What lessons did you learn this year?

My year was pretty busy. Moved the family across the country and tackled a new position at work. Both very exhausting and tiring in different ways. Trying to sell a house in the midst of a housing collapse was a hoot but fortunately we had been prudent and had a boatload of equity (that we ultimately lost but that's what needed to happen to get the deal done). Being away from the family for 6 weeks, making the 750 mile trip 6 different times, and generally being on my own in a "new" place were all different experiences.

Watched one website collapse while helping getting another up and running. Never been a part of that before (thanks RJ!) and it's been a heck of a ride. I was pissed at first to see my "web-home" go to shit but now I couldn't be happier that it did. is an awesome place to be. I'm really proud about what the staff and membership have been able to accomplish in such a short period of time.

From the prepping side I spent a lot of time reorganizing gear both as part of the move and afterwards. Completely reworked our emergency supplies to accommodate a different approach. From the weapons side I took two training classes, one carbine the other part carbine/part shotgun. Also spent a lot of time (and money) weeding the chaff out of the gun collection and focusing on quality components.

I guess the biggest lesson I learned this year was prioritize what has to happen now to accomplish some other goal down the road. Also, don't forget the family in the midst of all the chaos. Sometimes, no matter how many things you need to get done, spending 15 minutes playing with the kid is priceless.

Anyway....hope you all have a safe and wonderful new years eve.