Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
Medical is often overlooked, or at least under stocked. So many think of surgery and gunshot wounds, but ignore the splinters, nicks and scrapes we get all the time. While the big stuff is important, although most likely, people won't survive any serious home surgery, the small stuff can turn into big stuff when ignored.
Supplies to clean and care for the small things will also be important in a world where hygene has dropped down.

the number and seriosness of those cuts & nicks will be increasing for the majority of the people - they'll be doing outdoor chores they only did on occasion on the weekends - and chores that are a lot more dirty they did in their entire life >>> like latrine duty ...

what won't be helping is the lack of running water to wash out any cuts - don't compound it by neglecting to sanitize and cover it well >> stock a few pints of betadine - finger cots along with a good supply of bandaids - the $$$ Dollar Stores have tubes of triple antibiotic ointments - rolls of med tape - 4 X 4 gauze pads for the bigger injuries or piece out for the smaller ....