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Thread: Zombies good for prepping?

  1. #1
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

    izzyscout21's Avatar
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    Zombies good for prepping?

    Got to thinking the other day.I think all the current hype surrounding the zombie craze is actually good for prepping.Here's why, off the top of my head.

    1.)It's causing folks to actually at least think about emergency preparedness. I hear the terms "my zombie plan", "my zombie gun", "my zombie food" all the time. Replace zombie with SHTF and who does that sound like?

    2.) It's speaking to a younger crowd about #1

    3.) It's making it fun to train again. Think about it. A lot of companies are marketing zombie ammo, clothing, gear, targets, etc. That's fun training. And I'm all about fun

    4.) It's more socially acceptable than SHTF prepping.Being into "getting ready for the zombie apocalypse" is much more socially accepted than preparing for SHTF. I've actually noticed night ad day reactions when I told folks I was a prepper vs the zombie apocalypse speil. For some reason, people don't think its as wierd.

    anyway, just some quick thoughts.
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

  2. #2
    I agree with you. When I talk about prepping, gusy at work say "for the zombies?" Lol.

  3. #3
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    Yeah, that and all the post apocalypse shows are making people say "Hey, we don't have any food either" or whatever... My whole thing with shows like the walking dead is, with total zombie apocalypse, these people are still walking around with "hunting" guns... Anybody wanna guess what I'd have mounted on my Winnebago? Yep, Ma Deuce and a couple 240's. I also wouldn't be rollin' a hooptie RV, with a busted radiator hose, but I guess if the characters on TWD were as prepped as a JDY story character, the show woulda been a 1 hour special. lol I think if these shows do nothing but make a few more people go out and buy a gun, and get trained with it, and maybe take some responsibility for their own defense, and survival, it's good.

  4. #4
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    I also agree. While the fact that folks will prepare of a "zombie apocalypse", but not a real shtf scenario is a bit bothersome, so long as they prep is a good thing, as the preps are similar.

    However, something like a "zombie apocalypse" could happen. Not real zombies, of course. What would mass starvation create? The slow death of thousands, perhaps millions, wandering the streets, aimlessly shifting along, looking for something to eat before they die. Ragged, perhaps injured with blood on them, some resorting cannibalism. They'd look like zombies, and kinda act like them.
    Just wouldn't require a headshot, although that'd work. On the more advanced ones, you could just bludgeon them down, save ammo, or take off. They'd never catch you.

  5. #5
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    I actually disagree!

    I can see your points but personally see the other side of the coin as more prevalent...

    Whilst x-mas shopping, I saw many sign/flyers/banners/etc for the Zombie killer, or Zombie afficianado, or the Zombie prepper, etc. The problem is that the prices on simple things are going up to reflect this new 'need'. In Cabelas, I overheard a couple women buying Mountain House MRE's for little so and so, because he is 'into that zombie stuff'. Cabelas had a zombie target beside them, and a sign saying to prepare for the zombie apocolypse, but the MRE's are the same as they were a month ago, except a couple dollars more expensive.

    A couple other stores, including Walmart had zombie type displays on stuff, with the prices jacked up from the previous week.

    So, for me... I wish all these zombie appocolypse prepping people would move on to the next sheeple fad; like a "Pog operated Tickle me Furby's who shit Pet Rocks, that grow like Chia Pets"; and leave the real supplies for those of us who can appreciate their usefullness.

  6. #6
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    My take....I'm with Sniper-T and Gunfixr both. I have noticed some prices jacked up and you wouldn't think freeze dried meals would be one of them so it kind of goes hand in hand with the ZHTF (zombie hits the fan) scenario. It would be kinda nice if the fad would move on but whos to say some of the prices are not just normal mark-up? As far as G's take on the zombies/sheeple roaming the street hungry and beat. That could be a real option IMO. Although, I think they will be on the crazy side long before then.

    I also believe the hipe is making some people take notice but not enough to get in the way of a real prepper. They can buy all the freeze dried meals they want, I don't care for the taste all that much anyway. Beans and rice are a better line of thought for me. Its sad that it takes the media to get people on board with the thought of something bad happening but it just shows you how much most people follow what the news tells them to do. I feel in the long run these same people won't be much more prepared than they are now and will still be going door to door trick-or-treating for handouts later.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  7. #7
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Im with Sniper-T on this one. I, for one, wish all the damn wanna-be's moved on, and left the real prepping to those of us that are actually serious about it.

  8. #8
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    Baby steps guys baby steps. If we can get people started or at least thinking about it they might continue. The Zombie thing is a way to make money for retailers. Do we think it is hype.....absolutely. Will we buy that crap, I would hope not. However if some of this people look into it more they might realize that it is time to do more than fantasize about a fictional character.

    Sniper I am with you I wish they would move on so we can get on with what we are doing. However if they want to pay more for the special wrapping then that is fine. I would hope that by now most of us have some good sources for what we need. If not then at least this forum is a good resource for new people to ask. We take care of our own.

  9. #9
    Wants to know if that is a nut tool for a fire hydrant nozzle

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    I agree with the zombie prepping. I was half-assed prepping starting in 2008 after I got laid off from work. But after I read the Zombie Survival Guide and World War z, it motivated me into full on prepping. As cheesy as it sounds, the biggest point those books stuck out at me with is "what if something happens that you couldn't have imagined?"

    Obviously I still started out small in my prepping but if you focus on the little details while working for a main goal, I don't know, I guess it just helped keep me motivated thinking about having to deal with a really hairy scenario..

    Is it a fad right now? Sure, since the 70's when George Romero started doing movies and helping with the idea of Zombies. But it has definitely grown more steam. Its just more socially accepted now think about zombies so more people are coming out of the wood work.

    Is it somewhat childish and full of fantasy? Hell yes, but like me, if it helps people prepare for shitty situations, then I'm all for it. Less people knocking on my door imo.

  10. #10
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Well, I'll pay a bit more now, if it means I don't have to shoot half the neighborhood after SHTF because they bothered to do some prepping.

    Besides, with the economy tanking, you're going to pay more anyway.



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