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Thread: Preparing for the SHTF

  1. #1
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    Talking Preparing for the SHTF

    Not sure if this is where this belongs.

    When you think about preparing for the SHFT, you think about storing enough food for each person, having enough water for your needs as in cooking, washing, and drinking. Then what are you going to use for power when the lights go out, having enough guns, ammo, knives to protect and provide for your family. Is your house safe enough or do you have to move? IF so, where are you going to move? IF you are lucky enough to have some land then you have to start thinking about growing or raising what you eat, how are you going to do that and with what. You make plans to get from point A to point B in the safest way possible, with out realizing that you really won’t know what the word safe means until it happens. Can you sneak out after dark and find your way? Are the people going to attack you along the way and if so how and with what? You have to think of all the possible scenarios. This list goes on and on.

    My question is this, “How many of you have gotten yourself in shape for the SHFT? Think about it, if you have to walk long distances carrying what you can or run away from someone chasing you, how far can you go?
    So while you are preparing for the SHFT, include getting in shape. I for one am not in shape to run any distance carrying a heavy load. I am not overweight and I can carry up to 100 lbs for a short distance, but no way can I run a 50-yard dash. I can walk it though. I walk up and down mountains almost everyday, carry heavy loads of different things (As we are building still), I can walk miles without getting tired. But I am still not in shape to run.

    Here is an example: We got a phone call one day from one of our mag members They said that they did an aerial view of the closest property they could get to ours. They said that there was a big structure on top of one of the ridges close by. Wanted us to go check it out. So here, we go with walking sticks in hand, up the mountainside headed to the top. Well we found ourselves having to follow a waterfall that was dry so we could use the rocks as stepping-stones. We walked, crawled, pulled and pushed each other and finally made it to the top. We looked down and said, “No way are we going to be able to go back down.” It was to steep. So here, we are on top of a mountain, looking for a structure that we have not seen yet. We head in the direction of the closest road that we know and walk the top of the ridge.
    We find a fence line and follow it. Still no structure. Five hrs later, we finally make it to the bottom and what, do we see? Our mailbox at the end of our driveway. (This is about 1/2 mile from the house.) Never once did we ever see any sign of a structure. That is when we realized that we needed to get in shape. We wasn’t tired from walking, it was the terrain that we had to walk and the dodging of rocks, logs, fallen tree, holes, low hanging branches and such. So please do yourself a favor and GET IN SHAPE. As in army style.
    Last edited by Taz Baby; 01-21-2012 at 03:01 AM.

  2. #2
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I for one will fully admit I am in terrible shape. But i love your description of the mountian you went up. Sounds a lot like our off trail hiking around here. When we do backpacking after camp is set up we'll take off somewhere just to see what we can find and to work on route finding skills. I can't think of much of a better way to do that, plus you get the exercise on top of that. Walking thru roots, rocks, etc will work on your feet and knees. It's something to try and train for.
    Last edited by bacpacker; 01-22-2012 at 03:31 PM.

  3. #3
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    Baby steps, baby steps.........I getting in better shape a little more each day. My wife is starting too so we will be doing it together. There is nothing better than having a workout partner.

  4. #4
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    Preaching to the Choir... We all know this! And... as a beer bellied Basso... I know this as well as the rest. I am toooooo out of shape, as our swamp-donkey adventure last year will attest, and have done minimal to improve that.

    It's just this damn life with work, and house, and yard, and pets, and... keep getting in the way!


    Thanks for the reminder Tbaby. Bumped higher on the list!

  5. #5
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    A couple people I work with started wearing pedometers around. I did this myself a couple years ago and was surprised by how easy it was to do a little more here and there just to add to the overall amount I was moving around. It's a decent little motivator. I started running a few years ago and competed in several 5k's and moved into trail running because I think that's easier on knees and ankles. The dirt is a lot more forgiving than pavement. But - we moved out to the country and rehabbing the property took priority over running. I've lost everything I gained. (and gained everything I lost as well). I can't get the weather to let up enough to spend any real time the the saddle either, tearing up my pastures isn't an option.

  6. #6
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    The good news is, that if those of us who are out of shape live thru the first month or so of a real TEOTWAWKI scenario, we'll get to our goal weights really quick. With rationed food, and sunup to sundown work, you get in shape (or die) really fast.

  7. #7
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Good point AK.

    Another thing, that probably isn't much of a valid point, if thing go bad and people are starving, those of us who are out of shape will losing as well. I would think it would make us blend in eaiser, for a period of time.

  8. #8
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

    The Stig's Avatar
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    I had lost 20lbs and gotten a good cardio program going last year. It got interrupted last October with work and life and I've slowly gained it all back.

    That said, I resume the program Monday morning, bright and early. One thing I need to remember is not to dive back in as I did when I was going strong. Ease back into it and get myself back into shape.

    As you said, if you can't walk to the mailbox without being winded you're going to have a hard time dealing with any sort of physically demanding situation.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  9. #9
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    Our problem is this. When we are at the BOL, We only have a genny and solar. So keeping things cold in the fridge is hard. Except in winter. There for we eat light healthy easy to prepare foods. So we loose weight. Now when we go to work, we are in a motel for 6 Weeks, with a fridge, and freezer. So since we have been deprived of cold things we eat them then. Icecream, cheesecake, real milk, roast, potatoes with sourcream. Get my point. So we gain it ALL back. Thank GOD we are at the BOL More than in the real world, we wouldn,t fit in our little sardine can we live in.

  10. #10
    In his experience the hammer head is better

    apssbc's Avatar
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    Getting into shape is one of the most important things you can do for preparing. Im no greek god but by limiting my caloric intake from alot to 1800 a day i have dropped 25lbs in about 5 months. Im down to 185lbs which is what I graduated at. I still eat mostly the same just less of it. However I have been making healthier choices in snack foods and what I drink.

    It is super important do actually get fit which is the next step for me. I can hold my own as I fight fires and lift fat people for a living, but I can be better. Get out and walk, hike, and maybe carry a pack if possible. Little steps are all it take to get on the road to being more prepared. The PAW will be a very very demanding place and if your not somewhat fit it will be very hard. the group I used to be in had physical standards you had to meet. I believe all MAGs should at least to the best of your ability have some standard. It dosent have to be a Iron Man but at least walking a mile or two in full pack, and doing some running in combat gear. Possibly add some pushups, situps and the such. Obviously exceptions can be made for those who cannot do these things but bring other qualities to the table. (elderly, ect.).

    Just my two cents



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