Hi everyone, I hope this thread finds you all well. I just want to remind everyone to be very careful when you make the decision to meet people that you have only met on the computer. While in most cases people turn out to be who they seem to be, I have had a couple of bad experiences with people that have talked a whole lot about prepping and being serious preppers ect, only to find upon meeting these people that they were totally full of shit and not at all what they were portraying themselves to be on the site.

I post this thread not to insult your intelligence, or to deter you from forming groups and meeting with other people that you may come in contact with on this site or one of the many sites out there like this one, but to remind you all that there are many people out there that are only looking to take advantage of you or to perhaps make themselves look important and thereby wasting your time. There are also those that will try to harm you or your people. I have been very careful when meeting people for the first time to meet them in a very public place and not give them too much information until I have made sure that they are who they appear to be, thereby avoiding unfortunate circumstances. On the other hand I have met some really great people on this computer that I would not have had a chance to meet otherwise, so don't get me wrong I'm not saying not to meet up and network with other preppers from these sites, I'm only saying to be careful and use your common sense when meeting them the first time, and take things slowly until you can be sure about them.

My heartfelt thanks to the people that made this site and for the common sense and good judgement used to give it it's rules and structure. Great job guys and thanks for letting me be a part of it. Talk to you all soon.