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Thread: Can you live in a 14.long-x-12.ft wide-x-8.ft tall space as your home in the future

  1. #31
    Resident Seafood Procurement Officer

    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Like Taz in a way, I have been living in a 30 footer since September. The thing that stands out the most is that I never realized how much useless crap I had laying around. Now, I have the essentials, everything I need, but nothing that I don't really need. You actually need very little of what you have. I come to my kids place for a visit and a lobster dive or fishing trip when I need to for other reasons and do enjoy the web on these trips, but it is not a necessity. ( Guns and other essential tools not included). Wish I had realized this 20 years ago.

  2. #32
    @ ladyHK

    I believe it USED to be that way. my mother is like that. she has 2 freezers and a pantry always full, with her 2 large propane tanks always full.

    at my house (so far) we have little food, and alot gets thrown out/donated due to our lack of space in our apartment

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    We lived out of a camper while we re-habbed a tiny craftsman bungalow. The only reason we made it work was because we had an old three-car garage to store our endless amount of crap in. Once we were finally able to move in, getting rid of the non-essentials began. I agree with everybody who said it before me here - I could do it if I had to and getting rid of excess "crap" is a great thing. Now - the reality of this is the only place to keep things can't possibly be limited to the allotted amount of space mentioned. There would have to be a barn or cellar - or some type of storage dug into a hill. I'm thinking about all of the settlers' cabins I've seen. The first objective was a way to shelter the family, the second was a shelter to protect the goods and livestock.

    So I guess I could only do it if I had another structure.

  4. #34
    He can get it up, but getting it down again might be, ah, interesting....wait...we're talking about airplanes right?
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Living space, sure. Storage space and shop space, no way. Walkaround space for the metal lathe alone takes up that much room.

  5. #35
    Grand Poobah of the Smart Car Appreciation Society
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    I do it in less than 450.ft total studio set up in the place I have there in the mountain's of az .my place is design with the front part to be the living space with kitchen -bathroom -bed - area with bult in shelfs for my books and DVD wallets with the rear of the unit is 15.ft long-x-12.ft tall-x-12.ft.round for the storage of long term supplies inthe bult in storage racks in the rear of the unit . There is under the floor storage space also with it bult in storage racks to hold diff items I need for the long term resupply after the shtf typle living .

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