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Thread: Bison

  1. #11
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by msomnipotent View Post
    I made bison steak once, several years ago. It was just ok; nothing to write home about. In retrospect, I probably should have used more seasoning. Our zoo serves bison burgers right next to the bison exhibit, which I think is just beyond mean. They are also very dry and mealy tasting. Perhaps I just haven't experienced it properly yet, but I would much rather have chicken or beef.
    I think you must have cooked it wrong. Bison really doesn't need a lot of is naturally very sweet meet. It needs to be cooked med rare or rare. Anything more and you will ruin the meat. It is like deer, there is NO fat so it dries out in a heartbeat. I am not a huge fan of burger, to me it's almost a waste of a beautiful and most perfect meat. I do agree selling it right next door to where their exhibit is, is beyond cruel. I'm sure they have some minimum wage kid making them who is thinking about their next date and how much they hate their job and could give a shit about how they cook your food. You need to go somewhere that knows how to cook it or go and buy a good 1 1/2" ribeye, add a little mesquite seasoning and throw it on your stove (yes, I said stove) over med heat for about 8 mins each side (less if they are thinner). Don't squish it down. Leave it alone. Don't stick it with a fork, when you turn it use tongs so you don't pierce the meat and lose the juices. Let it rest for a couple of minutes before you eat it. It also makes a difference if your bison was 100% grass fed or if it was finished on grain (grass is way better).
    I apologize for nothing...

  2. #12
    Give him a home, where the buffalo roam, and they make "wood" for his cookin fires all day
    Dropy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taz Baby View Post
    Protective instincts are expected from wild animals and people, lol. But I know from the ones I was around they were like over grown lap dogs. But of coarse they were raised by loving people who spent time interacting with them. Does any one have any bison farms around you? If so go watch them for awhile. Just lovely to see.
    Bison are fine with each other. Any i have ever watched up here on farms and in the parks look at outsiders like a target needing run over. Even the captive "pet" bison up here have bad attitudes and need VERY heavy gates and fencing to keep em put.

    Of course how they are raised can make a big difference in temperment.



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