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Thread: Is this bothering anyone else?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Is this bothering anyone else?

    I must apologize if this seems to be a rant but you know this shit really really pisses me off. Has anyone besides me noticed these damn TV shows that they are starting to show now. DOOMSDAY PREPPERS ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE !!! Really??? Do these people think that we are f ing stupid??? Now don't get me wrong you all, I'm not saying that I haven't turned these programs on, mostly just to laugh at how wrong the TV producers have it when it comes to preparing for whats coming, but that's as far as it goes. While some of the information these shows are giving people is accurate most of this stuff does nothing but make for some good TV. Frankly, these shows insult my intelligence and the intelligence of my friends. ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE ILMFAO Get real. They just don't have a clue, well that's ok I guess that's better for those of us that do.

    I don't think that these people are quite grasping the Prepper revolution that is growing here in this country and around the world. These shows are degrading to me and part of the reason that it took me so long to start prepping in the first place. When will they understand that we are not nuts, we don't necessarily think that the end of the world and mankind is coming at the end of this year, and that we are just people that have become spiritually aware enough to see and understand the chaos that is going to result from all of the crisis's that are about to happen all at the same time and are smart enough to make damn sure that when the general population wakes up and realizes what's happening we and our love ones are safe and will have the things that we need to get through that period so that we can start over.

    You know you guys most of us were raised by people that were a part of the 60s revolution, if not directly involved in some of the communes and co-ops from that time period, so this concept of prepping and specifically banding together and combining resources is nothing new. In fact the human species has been banding together and sharing resources since we were swinging from trees. ( I wasn't referring to any of you specifically there), although from what I 've heard Izzy might be still doing that from time to time.

    You know our parents, brothers, sisters, ect. who were growing up in the 60s in some of these communes had some very important things in common with us now adays. Namely living with nature and using its resources as they were intended to be used, and understanding that we are spiritual beings living in this world and that part of what makes us feel true happiness and joy is learning this fact. In many ways the social unrest of the 60s is what we are going to experience, people rioting in the streets, financial strife, war, ect. along with some natural disasters, and a whole lot of fighting over resources and things that people must have to live weather it be food, water, or oil. I would love to hear your views on this subject if you have the time. I have to go out now for awhile. Talk to you all soon.

    But always remember this my friends, when the bear attacks we don't have to be faster than the bear, we only have to be faster than the slowest camper.


  2. #2
    The source of all known trouble in the universe

    RedJohn's Avatar
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    The problem I have is with the people that star in these because they let them paint us as freaking lunatics.

  3. #3
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    You know I don't mind what/how these shows paint prepping. There have been a lot of people in the shown in a certain light and ridiculed....until something happened. Oh well. As for the whole zombie idea, I refer to an answer I gave a while back. Take man/woman/child and not allow them to clean up or eat much for a month or so and take a close look at them.....ZOMBIE! I would still rather watch that show more than some show about a "Housewives of ???" or who's dancing with who. Of course that's just me.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  4. #4
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Lest you forget a couple things.
    First, the media and entertainment industry consists almost entirely of liberals. They have a different mindset than we do, and se the self-reliant as stupid.
    Second, it is all about entertainment. The television industry has not had anything to do with education in decades.

    Nonetheless, more people prepping, even if somewhat erroneously, is still better than not prepping.

  5. #5
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

    izzyscout21's Avatar
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    It bothers me to a degree in the fact that it casts many of us as loons. As for the entertainment factor, I do get some wierd pleasure in watching.
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

  6. #6
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I just try and use them as a learning tool, mainly what not to do. But it gives me a chance to think senarios thru and discuss them with the DW.

  7. #7
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    I gotta agree with you there Lunchbox man, ILMAO. I too would rather watch these shows dancing Dancing with the stars or whats the other one people are always talking about? UUM..... The music one with the a$$hole judge.

    Gunfixr, I can't argue with that lol the more people that are prepared the less people trying to kill us for what we put away when these things are no longer available at the local stores.

    Redjohn, that's it in a nutshell. What I just can't seem to understand is why do people consider us lunatics because we are proactive. I don't know about you all but in my way of thinking people that are preparing for a crisis are people that are thinking clearly and intelligent. I don't see why we aren't being looked at with the same regard as the people that stock up and prepare for the hurricanes that frequent the state that I live in. Not that it really matters or that I care a whole lot about what people think of what I'm doing but why do they have to act as if what we are doing is so damn mysterious or strange? Anyhow I was just curious if it was bothering anyone besides me


  8. #8
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    It does not matter if you have a radical right, left, up or down. There would be no way they would consider doing show right even if they could get some regular preppers. The reason is if you are doing it right most of us just blend in with the rest of the population. I try not to wear my gas mask when I mow the lawn on Saturday mornings. I love the commercial that the lady says something to the effect that she will be the only one left that is a hundred pounds over weight. These shows seem to try to go to great lengths to paint us all like a bunch of morons. It fricking pisses me off. So that said I will be watching them to see what happens. I too would much rather watch this type of show than some guy or gal trying to pick a mate from a bunch of dumbshits. And no I don't am in interested in dancing with the starsssssssssss either.

    I would hope that when the SHTF that we are pleasantly surprised that it turns out that there is a bunch of preppers in our community that we did not have a clue about. I am the perennial optimist.......we can only hope. As for the rest of the oxygen thieves that run the shows I can only hope they learn something like the last show that was on last year about preppers.

  9. #9
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    Movies depicting preppers peaked with and then went down hill after Tremors!!

    "Broke into the wrong God damn rec room, didn't you, you bastard!"

  10. #10
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

    The Stig's Avatar
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    I don't know how I feal about this show.

    I guess anything that gets people thinking about prepping is good, but in general I'm sure they will be presented as loons and act like maniacs.

    If it turns someone on to prepping I guess it's a good thing. For the most part people, I think, will watch the show and then think "those folks are bozos".

    Based on the comercials, which seem to run around the clock on Nat Geo, I have a feeling the people portrayed will be the worst sterotypes of preppers you can imagine. That will do a lot of spread the good word

    Then you get the Hollywood types taking a bunch of idiots and reaaaaallllly making them look dumb.

    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout



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