Something I decided Im going to do every now and again. Ill be putting up scenarios. Well say that for any scenario that I pose we are post SHTF, emp and all electricity is gone. Emergency medicine is limited to what you know and what equipment you have on hand or what nature can provide you. Threats have been eliminated unless noted otherwise. There is no further treatment available. Post you thoughts/assessments/treatments and after some responses Ill give you the answer of what I would do.

Background on me Im a full time medic/firefighter, and a certifed tac medic.

Scenario 1- Another mag member has taken a fall of approx 10 feet at your base camp and there is no threats in the area. He is a 45 year old male, alert and oriented per normal. Patient did not have any loss of consciousness. He is laying on the ground complaining of severe right lower leg pain, and left elbow pain. The patient also has pain in his lower back. When you expose his leg you find a obvious deformity to his right tib/fib (lower leg bones), and have no pulse in the right foot. The left elbow has swelling to it and he complains of pain upon movement, pt has good pulses in his wrist. Pt back is revealed to show a few minor lacerations with some dirt and other foreign material in them. Pts vitals are stable and he has no other complaints.
