Ok folks...now that the month has closed out and all the threads are in, it's time for you to choose the winner of the contest. HERE is the announcement thread.

RJ and I want to thank everybody who spent time trying to think of an interesting thread topic and then posted it. Our forum success depends on great content and you guys came through in spades in January. I know it sounds trite but there were a lot of great threads and narrowing the list down to something manageable was difficult.

You know the drill....the following threads were chosen for consideration in the January TOTM contest. Please spend some time reviewing them and then vote for your favorite. We'll leave voting open for at least a week. Whoever gets the most votes....wins!

So here are the threads for your consideration:

EMP Shakedown - The Expendable

First Aid Kit: The things Sometimes Not Thought Of - Evolver

Project Building Designs - Realist

My Farady Cage Test - The Expendable

Tips on Controlling Japanese Beetles - Msomnipotent

Can you live in a 14.long-x-12.ft wide-x-8.ft tall space as your home in the future - hank2222

2012 Garden Planning - Backpacker