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Thread: Doomsday Prepper's - Premiere tonight

  1. #21
    Thunder Lizard Canning Club Chapter of the Old Farts Society

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    I guess I'm just lame when it comes to watching these types of shows, because for me they are more of a way to satirize and marginalize the preparedness community. So I watched Justified instead...... and my Direct TV signal performed flawlessly!
    Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me Liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry, Virginia House of Burgesses, March 23, 1775

    Quo Vadis?

    Luke 22:36, And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

  2. #22
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I guess the folks they showed were somewhat althought not entirely like I expected. Some of the folks were out there to one degree or another. All of them had holes in their preps, like most of us probably do. I agree with some of the previous comments to, Nat Geo is showing senario's that are at the extreme ends of SHTF. OTOH if you are prepared for something like a major financial collapse, earthquake, or EMP, most likely you are very well prepared for the more minor events such as chem spills or something. Sure a chem spill is bad if it's in your area, it will be a very localized event.
    I thought I would do a small critique of each of the 7 groups shown.

    #1 The containers are good for a lot of things, stopping a armed attack with hi powered weapons not so much. Although having 1000 yard field of fire would help a lot. 50K in food would last a long time, bugging out their plans called for taking 10k of that with them. They were able to make thier own power and raise their own food. That's 2 biggies there.
    Down side: no comms shown, if it was shown I missed it but I saw no water storage to speak of. Overall I would give them a 65-80% rating

    #2 Chris Nyrges is a long time prepper. He used to write a monthly article for American Survival Guide. If your familiar with Cody Lundin of dual survival, Chris is sort of along those lines. He is pretty good and has tons of knowledge. To me his big failure is where he lives. He is worried about equakes, leave LA NOW. Not much was shown about his preps so really not much way to score that.

    #3 The younger girl has tons of desire and was trying to get skills and supplies. But trying to do that by herself won't work. trying to stay in a big city is nuts IMO, it just makes things so much harder. Going into the Mil is probably a good move for her.

    #4 The fat guy had a good plan for the most part, but again flying solo. And he was in such bad shape, he most likely wouldn't make it more than a month or less under severe conditions. His preps though were good. really good comms set up, could produce some of his food, and had fairly good stocks of goods.

    #5 This couple must have been wealthy, they had a lot of money tied up. There food storage and ways of going about it was top motch, just expensive. Training was as good as any shown for self defence. They were detirmined to include their community for future senarios. Smart move there. I didn't catch a bug out plan or any comms plan. For that matter a method of defending the area other than their house.

    #6 This couple was the top notch group at producing what they need, including barter items. They are working on building a community, I give them a plus for that. On the down side they have no way to secure anything. SHTF they either die or become someone slaves real quick. Also no comms or bug out plan shown.

    #7 This family had a lot of bases covered and those bases would cover a lot of different senarios. Their biggest fails were no comms, and what appeared to be no cross training, espically with security. No bug out plan either.

    One thing I did like about these shows, although the senarios discussed were BIG ones. Each of the groups were able to discuss the reasons they were doing what they were and why. If this had came from a little different standpoint, I think this could be a really eye opening show for a lot of folks. It really isn't as bad as I was expecting overall and I have picked up a couple of things. Saw many more what not to do's.

  3. #23
    Has been known to look at Izzy's trunk. Stares at the junk in Izzy's trunk. Get it...he's checking out Izzy's trunk.

    Kodiak's Avatar
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    Watched the show and found it entertaining for the most part. A few of the characters really irked me but we all have our flaws. The only negative aspect that i do not like is how main stream media likes to portray preppers as backwards antisocial rejects. It would be nice if they would show normal people like most of us and not just the extreme end of spectrum.
    “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

  4. #24
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    I wonder who and how they vetted the people they picked for the show too. It seemed like the people in the first episode were a bit more viable than most of the people who were on the second one. I'm sure anything the media has a hand in will be slanted or biased to make sure the sheeple don't get too scared or have an awakening.

    I just wanted to see more footage of the fat guy wearing his blue sporty outfit running those tactical drills out in his yard. Ya gotta love it. And the stinky hippie who wants to poison people or cut their throats in their sleep is going to be tossed around like a doll by the first marauding band who has a taste for cider or honey. I'm just saying - I guess I have to give them credit for sticking with their - um - guns - on the whole no weapon thing, but not to even believe in a hidden safe spot or panic room to protect themselves is nuts.

    Looking forward to more episodes.

  5. #25
    Does not fish with big brother
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    Tuesday 9pm est, Last night left me shaking my head at all the mistakes.

    the one guy shoots his thumb off on camera. I saw a dozen other mistakes he made out in the desert range.

    The last guy did everything but give you his adress. Couldent believe it.
    And why expensive booze for molitov cocktails, why not gas?

  6. #26
    Does not fish with big brother
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  7. #27
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Realist, the couples other friends did Not want to indentified. They also have two camps , one was a half way camp shown on the tv where they "circled"the vehicles but said they had a secret BOL further away but did not go there for show. The third one was a party girl in Houston and she was prepping with boyfriend (unidentified) they were going to hike it out of city to a secret place. As for cook lady, she has her own website. her name is Kellene. If I followed the segment correctly , she has a large MAG and she is teaching others how to store food in her comunity. I think one of the ladies here is going to oil eggs and let us know how they hold up. One thing I think was overlooked , she was a fairly successful realtor and did very well in the boom. Now don't take offense but it is only her and hubby, no children, so it seems that they would be able to have enough $ to do their preps.
    Last edited by Katrina; 02-15-2012 at 06:51 PM.

  8. #28
    Resident Seafood Procurement Officer

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    Thinking I wish I had Tv.....maybe not.

  9. #29
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I've watched 4 of the shows so far. Most all the folks have holes in their plans I have seen. Probably the one group I related to most was the group in South Carolina. They lived out in the country on their BOL, farmed the land, had a good deal of wood fired stuff including a old truck. They had a good plan for defending the area, plenty of water, & what seemed to be a good working relationship with at least one, maybe two other families working on all the systems in place.
    The guy throwing the liquor bottles was set up pretty good, but was going about things pretty mixed up to me.
    Another group I liked was the guy that had put together a totally underground shelter. That was very nice and he had multiple routes to get there from his home. The biggest thing he was lacking was water. I would have had a well put in that place before building the shelter.

    On a different note I got in a discussion about this topic on a tool forum(I know, imagine that me on a tool forum) today. That forum is a pretty heavily used site. Last time I checked it there was already around 40 hits. Other than me and maybe 5-6 other guys most everyone else thought this show was completely without merit regardless of reason. I was able to point out several issues that were unrefutable. Hopefully it will get some folks to thinking. I do plan on PMing some of the guys that showed some interest a link to this site. Hopefully that will show some fruit one day.



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