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Thread: Survival Radio 101

  1. #1
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    Survival Radio 101

    Survival Radio 101

    No idea if this guy is knowledgeable or full of it but thought I'd throw this up for discussion....

    Many survivalists are searching for a reliable means of communication
    and thus far have not found the answer. Many others place communications
    very low on the list of priorities. When times are tough and the systems
    currently in place are no longer functioning the survivor must be prepared to
    provide this most basic essential for himself. In my case, a reliable
    communication system is equal in importance to guns, ammo and a years supply
    of food. In this article I sincerely hope to pass on the knowledge and
    desire to provide for this important function.

    I have read many different articles on the subject of survival
    communications and have not yet read one that I consider adequate. Some
    stress the advantages of ham radio, some the advantages of CB. In all
    actuality, neither of these is the perfect solution. I will go out on a limb
    and get everyone mad at me. I have been involved in military communications
    for about ten years and I am here to tell you nothing is 100% reliable all of
    the time. There are ways to approach that mark though. At this point I must
    advise you that the information in this article is presented for
    informational purposes only.

    First let's discuss some problems with ham radio. The entry level
    license (no code technician) allows the licensed operator to communicate on
    the popular "two-meter" band it also allows communication on other band but
    two-meters is the most popular. This band is fantastic for local or distant
    communication, reception is generally clear and reliable. The problem here
    is that we are looking for communications during "bad times". During these
    times, the repeater networks that the "two-meter" band relies upon for
    distant communication will break down from lack of maintenance. The people
    who maintain these repeaters will have much better things to worry about such
    as where the next meal will come from. Another scenario is that the
    government may just decide that they really don't see the "legitimate
    purpose" for people to have access to the repeaters anymore (or for that
    matter any amateur radio). Ham radio operators would become a threat and the
    government will be able to simply go down the list of licenses and shut them
    down. Yet another problem I see with ham radio as a survival tool is simply
    that the average person is not a ham operator. When trying to gather
    information on a national scale, the operator will want to reach as diverse a
    group of people as possible. There are relatively few ham radio operators as
    compared to the population as a whole. If an operator upgrades his license
    to technician plus or general class he will have access to the HF portion of
    the spectrum which is useful to the survivor indeed. Communications of
    several thousand miles on some of the lower HF bands are routine.

    Another option is the CB radio. This over-rated, under-powered means of
    communication in its stock form is best left to the interstates of our great
    nation. During certain atmospheric conditions, a user would be lucky to talk
    one mile. The band is filled with a great number of hopeful Romeo's, filthy
    mouthed lowlife's and too many radio checks. I can't even monitor the AM
    channels when my children are present due to the language and subject matter
    common on the AM frequencies. Some CB radios lend themselves well to
    modification. The Uniden Grant LX and the Cobra 148 GTL are very adaptable
    to upgrade. The power can be turned up and the frequencies can be expanded.
    There are also a multitude of other useful and useless modifications that can
    be made to these radios. These are the only CB radios I can recommend.
    There are many good books available on this subject.

    There is available a type of radio sometimes referred to as an "export"
    radio. They may be somewhat difficult to find due to their illegal status.
    My suggestion is to buy a cheap CB first, get to know who's who in your area.
    The people who can obtain "exports" are there, it is just a matter of finding
    them. These radios are technological marvels. The normal CB is limited to
    only 40 channels which covers the frequencies 26.965 to 27.405. They are
    also regulated to 4 watts of output power on AM and 12 watts Single Side Band
    (more on this later). Export radios can operate in several modes of
    transmission over a much greater frequency range. Most are capable of nearly
    20 watts AM and 40 watts side band. Many also have the capability to "slide"
    between channels, thus enabling the user to talk "between" channels so to
    speak. There is also another type of radio on the market that is even better
    in some ways. These radios are "10 meter" ham radios that can be internally
    modified to operate from well below the CB band to well above the "10 meter"
    ham band. One of these radio's is the Ranger Communications Incorporated,
    RCI model 2950 or it's more powerful big brother the model 2970. These
    radios have a frequency range of 26 MHz to 31.999 MHz (with a very simple
    modification) although most users stay within 26.000 to 27.999 for safety.
    The "10-meter" ham band begins at 28 MHz, don't mess around up there. Most
    of these radios are mobile radios; in order to use one as a base station a
    power supply is required to convert 120 vac to 13.8 vdc. I would recommend
    at least a 6 Amp power supply for an "export" or Ranger. Good power supplies
    cost about $75.00 or less. There are also some export and 10 meter base
    stations available which plug directly into a wall. I feel that some
    versatility is lost because a mobile radio used as a base can still be a
    mobile if necessary. A walkie-talkie or two would also be useful when on
    foot. Although normally range is limited, when communicating with a base
    station they are capable of a surprising distance. An export walkie-talkie
    exists that can transmit and receive on the same frequencies as the other
    export radios.

    Now, let's get back to that Side Band statement that I made. If you
    could look at the signal generated by the average CB radio it could be
    described as having three layers. The two outside layers are the Single
    Side Bands (SSB) and the middle is the carrier wave. When the microphone is
    keyed on an AM CB radio a carrier wave is emitted from the radio, this
    carrier is there whether you talk or not just wasting power. On a side band
    radio, the carrier and one of the side bands is eliminated thus concentrating
    more power into a narrower signal. These side bands are referred to as the
    upper side band (USB) and the lower side band (LSB). Some CB radios are
    capable of side band communication but, are still restricted to the 40
    channels of the radio. Even with this limitation a CB equipped for side band
    in effect, gives you 80 side band channels and 40 AM channels to choose from.
    Within the CB band, most side band communication is on the LSB of channels
    35-40. Outside the CB band, many people use the frequency 27.5550 USB as a
    long distance call frequency. This frequency is located in the so-called
    "freeband" which extends from 27.4150 to 27.9990, this frequency band is an
    area of spectrum which is used very little by the primary users. Much of the
    best side band long distance communication takes place in this area.

    Side-banders as they are commonly referred to are a different breed
    entirely that the AM operator. They have a protocol for operating that makes
    the side bands a much more pleasant place to communicate. These people are
    usually very knowledgeable about equipment and also sources of "the good
    stuff" especially when talking about free-banders. On the sidebands, the use
    of a "handle" is taboo. They normally identify themselves with a three or
    four digit number. These numbers can be obtained through sideband
    organizations or, if like me you want to stay off the lists, just make one
    up. Having a number will give you credibility so other sidebanders will talk
    to you. Another major difference between SSB operation and AM operation is
    the use of "Q" codes instead of "10" codes. If an operator tries to use the
    "10" codes on SSB he will usually be in for a ribbing and, told to go back to
    AM. A complete listing of the international "Q" codes will be available in
    any book about beginning Ham radio. The best advice I can give is to monitor
    the side bands, see how they operate and when you have it down make your
    first contact. Another good idea is to find a local sidebander or freebander
    and treat him like a brother. This person can guide your decisions and
    prevent some very expensive mistakes. He will also be able to relate to you
    information which is not available in print.

    The antenna is the most important part of the system. Within the
    myriad of mobile antennas, all of my research has led me to one antenna that
    is worthy of consideration. This is the Wilson 1000 antenna. This antenna
    can handle up to 3000 watts of power and can be purchased in three different
    configurations; a magnetic mount, a hardmount (a hole must be drilled in the
    vehicle) and a trunk lip mount. This antenna transmits and receives better
    that any whip antenna I have ever seen or used. Since it is simply a thin,
    steel whip, it is unobtrusive as well. They may seem a little pricey at
    first but, the advantages gained in performance, durability and lack of
    maintenance more than make up for the costs. I have personally talked from
    the Southwestern United States to Alaska from my car with one of these
    antennas. An alternative to the Wilson 1000 is the Wilson Trucker 2000.
    This antenna will handle 3500 watts of power and is essentially the same as
    the 1000. The primary difference being the type of mounting hardware
    necessary. It is sometimes a better choice for vehicles where a roof top
    mount is not desired or possible as it will mount to mirrors or the body or
    anywhere that you can fasten a standard 3/8 by 24 pitch antenna mount.

    Regarding base station antennas you have two types to choose from: The
    beam antenna and the vertical element. My choice is to use both through the
    use of a switch box. The vertical element is better for local communications
    and, the beam is better for long distances. Many times an operator is able
    to talk to a distant station that would otherwise be unheard without the use
    of a beam. The beam antenna is mounted on a rotor which is controlled by a
    control box next to the radio. The operator simply rotates the beam until
    the best signal is received. The vertical element antenna is better for
    local communications because the radiation pattern into and out of the
    antenna is omni-directional. The beam will only receive and transmit in the
    direction it is pointed. Beams are designed to multiply the transmit and
    receive strength and are said to have a higher "gain". Whichever type of
    antenna you use, it is important to securely ground the mast. I use a
    minimum of 8 feet of steel or copper ground rod driven into the earth and
    connected to the mast with 8 gauge wire or copper braid. Make sure all
    clamps are tight. Popular brands for base antennas are Maco and Moonraker.
    The Solarcon A-99 is a very good omni-directional as is the V58 by Maco.
    Whenever an Omni is used make sure to include the ground plane radials.
    These extend out from the base of the antenna and increase the efficiency

    An important area of concern for the radio operator is a term called
    Standing Wave Ratio (SWR). This is simply the amount of output power being
    reflected back into the radio. The higher the SWR the less efficiently your
    equipment is functioning. If the SWR is too high you will eventually cook
    your radio. An SWR reading of 2.0 or less is generally considered
    acceptable, this number should be as low as possible. Anything 3.0 or higher
    will eventually damage valuable equipment. The SWR is adjusted with the
    antenna, usually by sliding the radiating element in or out of an adjusting
    sleeve or by trimming the radiating element. In any case, follow the
    manufacturers directions or seek the advice of an experienced operator. The
    coax which connects the radio to the antenna to the radio is very important
    and deserves mention. In order to achieve an efficient system a good quality
    coax should be used at the minimum I would recommend using MINI 8/U or RG-8/U
    if the diameter is not a problem. The very best money can buy is called
    RG-213/U. It is almost a half inch in diameter and well worth the money. It
    isn't too terribly expensive at about $30.00 for 50 feet. The others are
    substantially less. Operators using a linear amplifier need to be unusually
    careful of a high SWR.

    A linear amplifier can significantly increase the operating distance of
    a radio. These amplifiers are used to boost the power of an outgoing signal
    as high as the operator's budget will allow. I have heard it said that
    amplifiers normally cost about a dollar a watt; I think this estimate is too
    high. The average I would recommend for a reliable system is about 500
    watts. This power will increase local reliability by allowing communication
    over the "skip" coming in and also allow you to talk very clearly to out of
    state or even out of country stations when skip conditions are good. When
    skip conditions are favorable Channel 6 (27.0250 MHz) on the CB band is a
    very good example of the benefits of a linear amplifier. Many of these
    stations, even from thousands of miles away, will sound like they are in
    your back seat. Most of the stations on channel 6 are running 1000 watts or

    Skip is an atmospheric condition in which your signal can travel
    thousands of miles and reach a distant station. For the SSB operator, skip
    is pretty reliable. On any given day an operator should be able to talk out
    of state to somewhere. Sometimes this condition will last only a few hours
    but, it happens almost every day. Skip occurs on the AM band as well but, it
    fades in and out so fast that meaningful conversations are almost
    nonexistent. I have had or heard many conversations on side band which lasted
    an hour or more. Atmospheric skip makes the radio a good source of
    information on a national scale. This oversight probably has the FCC fuming
    but, there is an unenforceable law which states that it is illegal to attempt
    to make contact with another station that is over 150 miles away in the
    Citizens Band. Even a totally stock, out of the box CB has the capability to
    make contact with other states occasionally.

    There is currently a government agency called the Federal
    Communications Commission (FCC), which regulates and enforces all forms of
    inter-communication in the United States. These people are to free
    communication what the BATF is to firearms. Two-way communication is only
    legal through strict government guidelines. The very nature of the "ham
    license" only adds to the "law and order" society which the bureaucrats want
    to create. This licensing process is simply a means of keeping tabs on
    two-way communication. Nazi Germany was also interested in controlling
    communication as are all totalitarian regimes. In many countries simply
    possessing a means of two-way communication is as serious of an offense as
    possession of an unauthorized gun. Don't worry though, "it can't happen
    here, the republicans are here to save us".

    The situation we find ourselves in now in the United States is becoming
    more precarious each day. The Republican revolution, for the most part, has
    turned into just another scam on the American people. Our currency is
    teetering on the brink of collapse. The committed survivor must be prepared
    to provide this important asset to his family or group. One day when you
    pick up your "cell-phone" and nothing happens what will you do? Hopefully
    you will just reach down and turn on the radio, but if you don't have one...
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  2. #2
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    This is the one area of comms I have some knowledge about. I knew pretty much all said there.
    I used to talk on one of those "export" radios all the time, on the sidebands, well above channel 40.
    I wonder where that radio went to?

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    he needs to loosen the tinfoil with respect to the FCC going down the list of operators and "shutting them down". I don't see that happening. And no license is required to own the equipment, only to legally transmit. So if they come to my door, they get an HT, and an old boat anchor HF radio. Who knows what I have stashed in the attic, or at the hunting cabin, or at a friends place. I still think licensed amateur radio, general class, HF bands, is the best option for long distance comms.

    2m/70cm are good options for localized comms, know the simplex frequencies in use in your area or with friends because as alluded to, repeaters are not a reliable resource. Any decent emergency comms group will have one or 2 backup repeaters as well as simplex frequencies predetermined with relay of traffic worked out to more distant folks.

  4. #4
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I wasn't aware of the Export radio's. Sounds like that might be worth looking at, but you are still much more limited in frequencies than hams are.

    The author did make 2 really important points (more than that, but 2 in particular). Antenna's and coax. It really don't matter how much power you run, if you have shitty coax or a garbage antenna your signal will not get out nearly as well as it would with a properly matched coax and high gain antenna.

  5. #5
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    He is also wrong about SWR. Any SWR higher then 1.5 will cause issues. And it doesn't take a lot of transmit power to reach out there either. A 1 watt transmitter with the proper antenna, and a low SWR can reach the moon. SWR (standing wave ratio) can be gotten down to almost 0. I've work for enough communication companies to know. the 2 meter band is easy to match and get low. Try getting the 2-18Ghz band to less then, .5 acrossed the band.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

  6. #6
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Good points all Stg.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stg1swret View Post
    He is also wrong about SWR. Any SWR higher then 1.5 will cause issues.
    what is your experience with higher SWR ratings? I've worked this hemisphere on 10m & 20m phone using a home built antenna with SWR ranging from 1:1flat to 3. Depending on who you speak with (including some of the engineers at QST magazine) the optimal SWR for a 1/4wave vertical is 1.52.

    Sure, higher SWR can mean you're not radiating as well as you might be with a better matched system, but as long as I'm below 3 I'm not too concerned. I have better luck below 2. And modern transceivers start to ramp down the power above a 4:1 SWR to avoid damage.

    I see no problems with the SWR advice above. Lower is better, keep it below 3, below 2 is better. Below 1.5 is even better sure, but I see no cause for concern if my SWR is 2.

    And yes, you can do a lot with QRP. I know guys working 1w QRP from mountaintops using backpacking rigs. Also hearing of 1/2w QSO with the ISS isn't abnormal.

    Just like a rifle depending on how good the scope is, a transceiver depends on how good the antenna system is (includes feedline).

  8. #8
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    Having worked in the communications and electronics field since 1970, I can tell you that SWR should always be aslow as possible. An antenna can be tuned to lower SWR, wave guides can be tuned to do the same as can connectors. I've even seen how transmission wires are run affect the swr that is measured. That being said , SWR should be checked from time ti o time even in an established set up , keep it as low as possible. Once you get much over 1.5 you have degradation of both transmitt and receive power.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    I don't doubt anything you say. I'm not trying to start a pissing contest. I just know that I can make 5000+mile contacts on 10m & 20m with SWR ranging as high as 3. Old timers in the local club were working the world on untuned random wire long before I was born and long before they had a wattmeter to tune with. SWR has an effect, but you're not going to burn out your finals with an SWR of 2

    Definitely right on checking periodically. My homebrew antenna is on the roof, and strung into the trees behind the house. I noticed the wattmeter reading differently one night... the twine I had the antenna secured in the tree with had broken and I had a drooping end. Paracord replacement, and no more problem.

    I was also surprised by how much a ferrite torroid on the feedline (to reduce noise) changed things. (both with respect to static AND with the SWR)

  10. #10
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    There are a ton of little things that can affect signal strength, SWR, etc. It all depends on what wave length you are transmitting and receiving on. Had a friend who couldn't figure out why his CB didn't work well, until we looked at his cable going to his antennae. he decided to dress it up nice and neeat. Sharp 90 degree bends do not aid in xmit/rcv of any signal.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

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