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Thread: it's a good day!

  1. #1
    Premium Member

    brayden's Avatar
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    May 2011

    it's a good day!

    so, the wife read up on the issues going on in Syria, Israel, and Iran. apparently, there have been threats of and EMP being set off on our eastern seaboard. so after several years of trying to get her on board with the prepping, she actually came to me and said it was time to start making plans. i've been creeping these boards, sharing ideas with my buddies (you know who you are!) and making all of these plans to start storing food, water and ammo, but, never seemed to have the money to do what i wanted.
    long story short, i finally have the go ahead to start stocking up, granted, i don't have the money to do it now either, but i at least have the ok to start doing it within our means.
    i know that there are more guys out there (and gals, i'm sure) that are in the same boat, trying to get their significant other to understand why it is important to do this stuff.
    let me just say that i am giddy like a fat kid in a candy store! not to have impending doom peeking around the corner, but to feel like all my "crazy" ideas about the end of the world (or, at least civilized society) as we know it to have validation and be accepted by my wife. i've felt for years like i've been watching porn and trying not to get caught doing it. i'm buying a little kit here and there, stashing some ramen in a bin in the back of the closet, or putting together bug out bags in secret down in the basement when i should be looking at porn!
    well, now i'm out of the closet! it has really boosted my morale (which, honestly, has been pretty low lately.)
    not trying to gloat. just sharing a happy moment.
    if you're still trying to convince someone else that prepping is a good thing, tell them, if for nothing else, that it'll just plain make you happy (and likely save their life.)

    thanks for reading

    good luck to all.


  2. #2
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

    izzyscout21's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    wait.....what were we talking about..all I saw was porn...........

    seriously, good on ya man. glad to hear the wife is coming around.
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

  3. #3
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

    The Stig's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Fantastic news.

    I'm coming down with a cold and am getting mighty grumpy so this cheered me up.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  4. #4
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    Dallas TX
    That's great... Mine has been on board for a while, as far as food stocks, and some other items to make short term survival easier, we're all stocked up on food, and have clothing needs, blankets, sleeping bags, shelter, food preparation, tools, and the means to carry it all out of here if needed, but she asked me last night "We aren't really ready for anything are we?" I told her I think we're better than most, and need improvement. I'm concentrating on unloading things I don't need, and rebuilding my defensive loadout, BOB is squared away for me, her, and baby, but still have lots of things to do around here. Need more time, and hope I get it. My job sucks right now, and has been unexpectedly slow the last few weeks, so I can't really do much to further prep right this minute, but we're in pretty good condition as far as I can tell.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.

  5. #5
    Premium Member

    brayden's Avatar
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    i wish we were in as prepped as you are, but we aren't. i'm going to start working on that though (probably tomorrow.) we're so-so on ammo. i actually have a pretty good seed store built up, but mostly hybrid, unfortunately. i'm going to hit sam's tomorrow and get a big ol bag of rice, some beans, canned meat and start buying little bits of this and that is i can. we'll be feeding me, two kids, the wife, and her parents, so maybe i will get them to start buying some long term foods, too.
    also, if any of you are in the western north carolina area, there is a store in waynesville, nc called carolina readiness (Emergency Preparedness, Emergency Food and Emergency Essentials) that i'm going to check out at some point in the next few weeks. i've never been there, but i've heard good things about them. i think you can order stuff from their site, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by ak474u View Post
    That's great... Mine has been on board for a while, as far as food stocks, and some other items to make short term survival easier, we're all stocked up on food, and have clothing needs, blankets, sleeping bags, shelter, food preparation, tools, and the means to carry it all out of here if needed, but she asked me last night "We aren't really ready for anything are we?" I told her I think we're better than most, and need improvement. I'm concentrating on unloading things I don't need, and rebuilding my defensive loadout, BOB is squared away for me, her, and baby, but still have lots of things to do around here. Need more time, and hope I get it. My job sucks right now, and has been unexpectedly slow the last few weeks, so I can't really do much to further prep right this minute, but we're in pretty good condition as far as I can tell.

  6. #6
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Great news Brayden. it makes things so much easier with the spouse on board. Two minds working from different angles alwasy comes up with more and better ideas.
    Thanks for the tip on the store in Waynesville. I get over that way every now and then. i will check it out next trip.

  7. #7
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    Congrats. Take your time and plan carefully.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

  8. #8
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    First, welcom Braydon...second make sure you only stock up on the items that you and your family will actually eat. I know you are excited right now but be careful not to just go crazy buying things that are in "bulk" for the sake of "bulk"...IMHO.
    Also, since your wife brought this up she seems open to prepping now???? A good time to invite her to this site? We have a Ladies Forum that is wonderful and would love for her to join us. Contact me if interested.
    I apologize for nothing...

  9. #9
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Did someone say porn?

    On a serious note, glad you came out of the preppers closet! Welcome, and my wife and I were commenting on the same exact thing this morning about Israel, Syria, and the threats. Not so much raised flags, but I will sure as hell be glad when some radios arrive so I can add them to my bug out gear!

  10. #10
    For the Love of Cats

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    Quote Originally Posted by brayden View Post
    so, the wife read up on the issues going on in Syria, Israel, and Iran. apparently, there have been threats of and EMP being set off on our eastern seaboard. so after several years of trying to get her on board with the prepping, she actually came to me and said it was time to start making plans. i've been creeping these boards, sharing ideas with my buddies (you know who you are!) and making all of these plans to start storing food, water and ammo, but, never seemed to have the money to do what i wanted.
    long story short, i finally have the go ahead to start stocking up, granted, i don't have the money to do it now either, but i at least have the ok to start doing it within our means.
    i know that there are more guys out there (and gals, i'm sure) that are in the same boat, trying to get their significant other to understand why it is important to do this stuff.
    let me just say that i am giddy like a fat kid in a candy store! not to have impending doom peeking around the corner, but to feel like all my "crazy" ideas about the end of the world (or, at least civilized society) as we know it to have validation and be accepted by my wife. i've felt for years like i've been watching porn and trying not to get caught doing it. i'm buying a little kit here and there, stashing some ramen in a bin in the back of the closet, or putting together bug out bags in secret down in the basement when i should be looking at porn !
    well, now i'm out of the closet! it has really boosted my morale (which, honestly, has been pretty low lately.)
    not trying to gloat. just sharing a happy moment.
    if you're still trying to convince someone else that prepping is a good thing, tell them, if for nothing else, that it'll just plain make you happy (and likely save their life.)

    thanks for reading

    good luck to all.

    huh? what?


    Welcome aboard. and congrats on getting the wife on too. Two minds compared to one, and all that!



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