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Thread: Vehicles: Ambushes, driving them in Dangerous Situations, etc

  1. #11
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    WOW! great responses guys. Again, my experience is limited, and controlled! I bet a friend that I could disable any vehicle with a single shot, and he called me on it. We went to a local wrecker over a period of time and bought a whole whack of different things for him to 'sty' me.

    we'd get it back to his farm, set it out in the field and while running, I'd take it out.

    Now this is where your differences come up. me.... shooting at a stationary vehicle, from a secure location, from a secure rest, onto a vehicle that I inspected first... really made for an easy target. IRL with that vehicle bouncing down the road, swerving, and possibly unfamiliar.... YEP! I have to agree, the concept of one shot disabling is slim to nil.

    And yes... I fully agree, that if entering a "kill-zone" your best chance of survival, is to power through it!! FAST!! and recklessly!!!

    Great posts guys

    Oh... and if you have a clean shot to dissable a vehicle that you are familiar with.... one shot in though the front, less than an inch away from where the cam is, will stop anything that I've shot at. Bust up the front cam bearing. any engine will stop. IMO

  2. #12
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    Vehicle ambushes can be looked at close to most confrontations. You don't have to be prior military (though it might help at times) to understand the term "Violence Of Action" this term can be taken/used in many scenarios. V.O.A. for a vehicle could be just as Storm says--punch through fast and let your speed carry you. Although I like the idea of having armor for a vehicle. Steel plate, kevlar blanket, soft armor or a plate carrier, use whatever you can get.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  3. #13
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    From having experienced vehicle ambushes in Iraq and Afghanistan and NOLA, I can tell you with great faith, the best way to survive it is to push thru and keep going. The only reason you should stop during a vehicle ambush is because a vehicle has stopped due to being disabled. Any other reason just isnt enough to stop in the middle of a gun fight. Understanding that yes, a vehicle can be disabled, and sometimes it does happen, but for the most part, it takes a hell of a lot to disable a vehicle from a frontal/oblique, or flank side shot. Now, having taken that into consideration, what do you do if you have a disabled vehicle?

    If You Vehicle Is Fully Disabled And Cannot Be Moved.

    1- Get out of the vehicle and seek cover. The best spots for cover if you are using the vehicle, is its engine compartment and wheels. Obviously, use the non-contact side of the vehicle to hide behind. If its a frontal assault and you end up disabled, open all doors, left, right, front and rear as well if the vehicle has them, and get to the rear or front of the vehicle. This provides a wider area to hide behind versus the smaller profile of the vehicle.
    2- Return fire, this needs to happen immediately to suppress whoever it is that initiated the ambush. Gaining fire superiority is key to winning an ambush. Putting the bad guys down hard and fast will pull you thru it. Once you have gained the upper hand, then begin to start your retreat and removing yourself and fellow party members out of the killzone.
    3- Get a count of all people in the group, ammo, injuries, food, water, and remaining vehicles if any, and get out of the area. Unless you have a intimate idea of who/how many people attacked you, you wont have any ideas of their numbers, so better to remove yourself from the contact area than sit around and find out how many they have, and what their intentions are. (As if the vehicle ambush didnt already give away their intentions!) Regroup, Redistribute Ammo, and Retreat. While that may sound like the shallow thing to do, you have to take into consideration, you arent a attacking force, you are a person/group of persons trying to survive. By going back for more, only increases your chances of you or a member of your group getting injured or killed. Live to fight another day.

    If Your Vehicle Is Disabled But Still Able To Move.

    1- All vehicles should be equipped with tow straps pre-tied onto bumpers for this to work. Upon initiation of a vehicle ambush and a vehicle goes down but is still steerable and no tires have been shot out, You have two options available to you. Push or Pull.

    Push Method - Simple economy of movement is you use your vehicle to push the disabled vehicle out of the killzone and a few miles down the road. From there, the 3 R's go into effect.

    Pull Method - Pull method is a little bit harder, but can be done quickly in 30 seconds or less if practiced. Have more than 2 vehicles, one vehicle pulls to the front or reverses to the front of the disabled vehicle, one vehicle pulls to the contact side alongside the disabled vehicle and provides a blocking force to hide the person who will attach the tow vehicle to the disabled vehicle. Members can exit the vehicle on the non-contact side of the vehicle to provide cover fire, and to attach the tow vehicle to the disabled one. Drive several miles down the road and then 3 R's go into effect.

    There are multiple variations on how this can be done, but for the untrained, this is the simple Crayola Barney Style for getting it done. Once you have practiced it, the more you do it, the faster it happens. If anyone doesnt understand how I explained it, please ask and I will clarify in more detail!

  4. #14
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

    izzyscout21's Avatar
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    ^^ I couldn't have said it better myself
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

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