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Thread: Mother Update

  1. #11
    Give him a home, where the buffalo roam, and they make "wood" for his cookin fires all day
    Dropy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Mayville, ND
    Be at peace brother knowing that she is at peace also.

  2. #12
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Ohio surrounded by farm land
    To everyone here ; A final update.
    I had a dental appointment along with my daughter for teeth cleaning. Was going to cancel but the Aide said ; George your momma may not want you here when she leaves. I pondered it for a few and thought that I had already told momma it was alright to leave even if I was sleeping or otherwise. So I went to my appointment hoping she'd still be there when I got home. Left at 12:15 and she passed at 12:57 pm.

    My wife and aide were watching her. They went to check on her and said mom ; Look the sun is out now and shining very brightly thru the windows. She took 3 easy breaths and slid off to board her train with my wife holding her hand just as I had held her mother's hand for her when she passed. She loved and trusted my wife more than anybody and I'm kind of thinking she wanted to spare me being there and wanted to leave holding my wife's hand as a final gesture of love. I can't explain it but I'm happy with the way it ended ; They were my two 1st. loves holding hands as one left and the other to stay with me awhile longer.

    In closing; I'll always have her love and memories.
    Last edited by eagle326; 02-17-2012 at 12:00 AM.



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