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Thread: New BOV/Zombie Flicker

  1. #21
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    When one feels the herky jerky when tappin the gas peddle I lean toward the mounts first. Then after a visual it all kinda just fell into place. The fun part was doing it by yourself, a little jack here, a little wiggle there, shove a spike in there to line up the the mount and WA-LAH! "Hey hun can you help me tighten these last four bolts?" Yeah I imagine she ought to run pretty smooth after this and the tune up. Hell I haven't taken it out of the driveway yet! Sounds good, looks great on the internet huh? OK so I have fluids next and some electrical devices, dome light, courtesy lights (by your feet), new fuel gauge. Gee I wonder what I'll find behind the dash.....................

    Be safe...........the night is your friend

  2. #22
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormfeather View Post
    FYI: Harbor Freight Tools has winches on sale really cheap right now!
    Hey thanks for the intell, I haven't looked yet but what ever they have I hope it's big enough to pull a truck this big.

    Be safe...........the night is your friend

  3. #23
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    OH NO never take the dash off unless it is on fire.... Kinda like taking something out of the box. It never goes back in right. It,s always scary behind the dash. But then again since your going over it with a fine tooth comb and it,s all done at least you won,t have to worry. You will have a brand new truck. TIP..... Take pics after you take the dash off and before you touch any thing. That way you have a referance. TIP.......color code and number each wire with tape when doing the wiring harness. Just in case you didn,tknow that. Good luck with the dash.

  4. #24
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    OH no, not that complicated. Just the gauge console behind the steering wheel. Done this one once/ten times before. Pretty simple actually, just a bit of maneuvering that has to be mastered. What I was getting at was when whom ever put the stereo in...........just what kind of bang up job did they do? Judging by what I have seen so far, I'll have to clean things up. Straighten the runs, no tangles, proper splices, put lugs on the wires so they can be connected properly, that sort of thing. I'm sure there will be a few other things. While it's open I can wire in the new interior lights.

    But thank you very much for the advice and yes, I do use that method of digital cameras, I sure am glad for those! I can't begin to tell you how much I have used mine in the past for reassembly of some complicated things. Like that old treadle sewing machine. You can't find an actual maintenace manual for those. But once you do it, you know it. I'm more of a visual learner, but I can learn by the book as well, but when it's not available use what you got. Thanks again.

    Be safe............the night is your friend

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