Posting this because I just came from the dentist today. I have not been there in over four years, after having my wisdom teeth pulled and having a bad experience I had not gone back. Finally the girlfriend convinced me to go. I walked out with no cavities but some pretty sore gums.

Moral of this experience is to take care of your teeth. I am going to start going every six months again. The hygienist told me I wasnt in too bad of shape for not going. She explained how my brushing was very good, but I sucked at I dont . There was some tartar build up along my gum lines that was pretty bad. Mind you I had no idea because I actually have fairley white teeth. The scraping took a while.

So it got me to thinking post shtf we need to plan for more than just brushing and flossing. Granted it got me by four years with no issues but eventually it will bite you in the ass. So lets hear what your plans are for dental health post shtf?

Personally I have alot of tooth paste, mouth wash, floss, and tooth brushes stocked, but thats about it for my dental preps. I also have a copy of the book "Where there is no dentist." That sums mine up lets hear what you got.