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Thread: Jerky and Pemmican

  1. #1
    The source of all known trouble in the universe

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    Jerky and Pemmican

    This is an old, old recipe, probably from about the time stone knives were getting good. This is a fair bit of work, but since it is traditionally done when there is a lot of meat about, it is pleasant work, and you can eat what you are working with.
    Jerky is dried meat, and one of the best survival foods. You can use about any meat that is not fatty, and most fish. For meat from larger animals, like beef, deer, elk and the like, cut the meat into slices, generally less than a quarter inch thick, and remove the fat. Pork and other fatty meats like long pig or monitor generally make poor jerky since the fat will go rancid. Small animals can have the larger bones removed and can be jerked whole, as can small fish. Salmon slices or whole trout are a special treat. This recipe will focus on strips of meat from a larger animal, but the basic recipe for anything else is much the same.

    To Prepare Jerky

    First prepare the meat. Slice it evenly, and not much thicker than 1/4 inch. The thicker it is the tougher it is, the longer it takes to dry, and the more chance it has to mold or go bad. Either soak the meat in a fairly strong brine, a cup of salt to a quart of water, for ten or fifteen minutes, or give it a light, even sprinkle of salt and let it sit a bit. A good dusting of black pepper or red chile is also nice, and keeps off bugs. If the weather is dry and cool, you can just hang the jerky in a sheltered spot where a bit of breeze can get to it and it will be well dried in a few days. If you live where it is damp and warm, dry your jerky on racks over a low, smoky fire. It can also be done quite nicely on racks in an oven, set to the lowest possible heat. Jerky is done when it is dark brown and the texture of old, dry shoe leather. Don't let it become gray or crackly dry. Jerky without grease in it will keep for a long, long time in airtight bags.

    To Make Pemmican

    To make Pemmican, take a good handful of jerky and beat it to a pulp on a rock. You can also use a food processor. Add an equal quantity of good softened fat, either bear or beef is excellent, and a good handful of dry fruit or berries. Mash all together well with a bit of salt, form into small bars and let sit for a bit. Wrap in large leaves or aluminum foil. This is about as compact and nutritious as survival / trail food gets. It furnishes lots of energy, and you can live for extended periods on it with little else for food.

    Eating Jerky and Pemmican

    Both Jerky and Pemmican can be eaten by themselves, or can be added to a stew or soup of about anything else that can be found to eat. They are both extremely nutritious, and valuable additions to your survival locker. They are easy to store and carry. If you live where there is game for the taking, this is as close to free food as you can get.

  2. #2
    may be in trouble

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    Pardon for the necro-post...

    has anyone tried the above methods and recipes? Vegas is a great place for drying stuff once the weather gets warmer. I'm gonna be trying for a large screened rack for a test bed.

    Would dehydrator-created dehydrated meats serve as the meat component for pemmican, once powdered?

  3. #3
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    There is another thread here, with some jerky ideas:

    I have not made pemmican.
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Eastern Texas
    I've never made jerky, but always wanted to. I think I may try it next fall when deer season opens back up.

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