"For Incidents Requiring Evacuation". I've never seen or heard this used before, but I was sitting at work the other night tweaking the layout of my GHB, and considering how the average person I speak to is either confused or mocking of the normal terms we use to describe our kit. Its usually pretty predictable too. I get regular questions on the need for a "GHB", and the usual juvenile tripe of "battery operated buddies" from the few people I've discussed BOB's with.

So, I wondered if there wasn't a KISS model I could follow, and FIRE is what I came up with. At their core, our GHB's and BOB's are designed to do the same thing: Aid us in movement from one location to another. I've yet to meet a person that doesn't understand the need to run from an out of control fire, and most people I've spoken to know somebody who's lost everything to one, so they can easily grasp the theory behind a grab-n-go kit for that.

Words matter. And I'm hoping the shift from prepper lingo to common terms will help me in my cause. Namely: Getting as many people as I can to make some level of preps, large or small.