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Thread: Getting Healthy for the SHTF

  1. #1
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    Where no one can find me

    Getting Healthy for the SHTF

    This is about what you are doing now vs. before as far as your health goes. Before you started thinking about prepping and storing supplies and getting ready for the SHTF. Were you exercising, eating healthy, weight and height proportioned?

    I have always tried to eat healthy. It is fairly easy for me as I hate fast food and pre packaged foods. I prefer home cooked foods. Example… Mashed potatoes requires a bag of potatoes, milk, salt, butter, not a box of powered potatoes and water. But as I am getting older I am not as active as I was and I have been slacking on using my weights that I was daily. I have never been sick not even a cold ever. I know it is hard to believe but true. Therefore, I don’t go to the doctor. (I was raised on herbs remedies.) Maybe because I eat onions like apples and they say onions will absorb bacteria. My body craves onions and garlic. I eat both raw. If we are forced into having to take care of our self and there are no doctors what are you going to start doing now so when that happens you will be healthy at the start of the SHTF?

    Before my DH met me, he got sick about twice a year with a bad flu/ congestion that lasted about a month. He ate fast food and microwave foods. Now he is eating real food as I call it. And less junk food. He has not been sick in the year that we have been together. He still eats his Taco Bell and pizza just not as often.

    For those of you who have type 2 diabeties. This is very good for you. But before taking ask your doctor about them first.
    (1)Chromium Picolinate---increases efficacy of insulin
    (3)Blood sugar w/Gymnema 386mg helps produce insulin

  2. #2
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

    The Stig's Avatar
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    I have to be brutally honest.

    When I came to MS last year (down here for about 6 weeks before Mrs Stig and the Stiglet moved) I joined a gym. From February through October I hit the gym 3x per week (more if I wasn't traveling). I also made a conscious effort to reduce the portions of what I ate.

    I went from 225lbs to 190lbs, felt great and generally was headed in a good direction.

    Then in October 2011 I went on an insane 2.5 month travel binge for work. Workout routine went out the window, I ate like shit and generally got out of the routine of working out.

    So now I'm back up to 225lbs and feel like shit. I can't find the motivation to go back to the gym since I've developed a bit of "what's the fucking point" syndrome. I know I'm throwing a big temper tanturm but damn it's hard to get back into the routine. I'm completely discouraged about the whole thing.

    Taz is dead right. Good health is part of preparing for bad events.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  3. #3
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

    izzyscout21's Avatar
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    I find that unless I have some organization and structure, I dont exercise, or if I do, it's innefective. When I was in the Army, and PT was mandatory twice a day, I was very fit. Now........well.........ugh.

    So, since there is no gym around here, I made the decision to do this on my own. KNowing that I need the structure, I borke down and ordered P90x. Go ahead and laugh. Now my family can watch me look like an idiot, but at least I'm doing something.

    I also ned to learn to watch what I eat and how much. I like food..........
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

  4. #4
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    Where no one can find me
    those of you who have kids, use the wii for exercise. I spent a weekend with the grandkids and we played the dance wii with the floor mat and had a lot of fun. When I went home I was so sore. Or watch the zumba on T.V., get the whole family doing it. Tape it for late if you can,t do it then.



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