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Thread: City, Suburbia or Countryside?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    mollypup's Avatar
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    City, Suburbia or Countryside?

    What situation are you living in (city, suburbs or countryside) and do you feel safe enough if serious SHTF? It could be any large disaster/catastrophe such as EMP, economic collapse, pandemic, volcanic, or nuclear.

    I live in the suburbs and don't feel safe enough (if that's even possible) but actually would prefer to be here as opposed to the other two options.

  2. #2
    was going to be a smart ass but went official instead
    Join Date
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    Southern CA
    The bad:
    I live within 3 miles of Disneyland. Safe? Hardly.
    I live in a barrio. Safe? Nope.
    Multiple competing gangs nearby? Yup
    I live in an area that has 12 million+ people within 50 miles. (Los Angeles and Orange Counties) If you've ever been to southern California you've noticed that the cities all run together, no noticeable change from one to the next.

    The good:
    The overwhelming amount of people that I know are hardworking and honest.
    Since the area I live in is poorer, they see the economic situation without blinders.
    We know where the good deals are on food & household items.
    Almost every house in my neighborhood has some sort of fruit tree or garden and a few have chickens.
    The gangs leave regular joes alone for the most part.

    Bottom line:
    While not ideal, and I would like to move to an area where there are way less people, my wife will not move. So, I'm making the best of the situation at hand. One of the good things about living in the middle of the pit is that there are shipping hubs nearby. If SHTF there are literally millions and millions of square feet of warehouses full of crap within walking distance.

  3. #3
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    East Texas
    Country, and yes I feel safe here in most situations. Nearest neighbor is about 3-4 miles away. Nearest town is only 300 people. To get to a town with over 20k people you have to leave the county and drive for about a hour and a half. We are almost to producing all our food, as soon as the aquaponics system is up and running we will be in real good shape, and it is my #1 priority.

  4. #4
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    We're in a touch of an odd situations.

    I like to call this "rural Mississippi" but the reality is we're in one of the two sub-divisions in the county (100ish homes) and are 10 minutes from a town of 6,000 people. That said, there's only random sporadic homes outside our sub-division and it's a lowly populated county.

    Short term events I can see the folks in the sub-division banding together to help each other out, etc.

    Long term? Hard to say. Out of 100 homes there's going to be someone who gets desperate, decides they want my stuff, or generally just snaps. Prob could stand to be a touch more isolated for a full-blown, total meltdown sorta deal.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  5. #5
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    I decided to move from Southeast San Diego when I came out to find my neighbor upset in the parking lot. His car windows had been shot out. When I asked him where it happened he said, "Here, last night and I was in it." I was also working in the ghetto at the time, when I decided to move. Then I moved up to the rural wine country of California. Talk about night and day. I have a nice piece of property and good neighbors that look out for each other. I realize that things can change rapidly and plans need to be made. The nearby city is about 100K in population so if it were to hit the fan I think I would head north. It is for this reason that I have a plan B and a nice BOL. Right now it will be a vacation cabin that we can all go to on weekends. It is too far out for the wife and I to move to permanent unless I wanted to move by myself.....

  6. #6
    I live in the suburbs, and I do not feel safe even if the neighbors party. But, on our budget, the age of houses around here, our not so good credit, and the distance to both of our jobs, we will be staying in the crappy apartment...

  7. #7
    Walking on Sunshine

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    in suburb, 10 minutes from downtown and gangs. Don't know more than 2-3 neighbors around me. Most won't talk to us or acknowledge we are here. Plus I suspect being the first house going into subdivision, we'll probably get hit first unless I can either move the house (not a possibility) or make house look so bad no one will come near it. No I do not feel safe here.

  8. #8
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    We live in the country although we are only 6-7 miles from the nearest town. I have some good neighbors nearby, but down the road is a bunch of illegals and some meth heads that come and go. One of my biggest worries is the 800 or so homes that are down the road past us. They have all been built since we built our place. Almost all of them are $400k+ houses, well when they were built, and I have little doubt that very few of them prepare for much of anything other than hosting parties and playing on the lake. Coming by our place is one of only 3 ways out for them. I'm probably more worried about them than I am the city folks coming out here.
    I've been looking for a BOL/BIL for several years and still haven't found what we are looking for. Not to mention a double or tripling of my drive to work.

  9. #9
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    It used to be country: 5 acre per dwelling ag zoning. lots of farms around me, mainly goats, cows, and horses. Only know a few neighbors. guy across the street is a prepper and we get along great. weekend mornings sound like a day at the range: the neighborhood is well armed.
    Now we are in tansition -the two lane "highway" 2 miles down at the end of the road is being turned into 6 lanes, and Orlando keeps spreading closer and closer. It was great when we moved in many years ago, and even though the area I live in is still rural, the development just 5 -10 miles away is frightening. Much like Bacpacker said, high end homes and lots of clueless people. Our only hope in SHTF would be for all in our rural community to band together and block off the two roads into our area.

  10. #10
    Claims to have NEVER worn pink. Likely story.

    Twitchy's Avatar
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    SE USA
    We are currently in suburbia however we will soon be out of it into the country side... thank god... We have rough neighbors in the area so i am leery of staying here if anything was to happen... We are looking at several acres a ways out in the sticks and that eases me a bit.. should be in there within a year or so... Once I get a place of my own, I'll be out in the country for sure...
    It is, of course, obvious that speed, or height of fall, is not in itself injurious ... but a high rate of change of velocity, such as occurs after a 10 story fall onto concrete, is another matter.



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