#I'm pretty positive is red clover, we have it all over our yard too. We DIDN'T have it in our lawn until dh created food plots for the deer and planted it and they pooped in our yard and of course the seed went through their system and BAM! red clover in my lawn. #2 looks like a weed that is all over my garden but I think it's the same one that if you pick it when it is still young it has a very spice/peppery taste that could be good in a salad? I just ate one leaf the other day and didn't die but honestly don't know if it's safe to eat in large quantities. The leaves on mine were smooth and soft, don't know from your pic if yours are or if they are when your plant is still small.
#3 I think is chickweed.
Lambs Ear will get HUGE in these parts but you should be able to tell if it's one because of the leaf being on the thick side (that is why they make a good bandage in an emergency).
I don't know what sweet grass is, but we have those clumps too. If you find out what to do with them (other than mow them over or kill them) let me know!