Quote Originally Posted by Stormfeather View Post
I use something similar, although very crude. I took 3x3 lengths of wood, scalloped out a couple of sections and the barrels lay in the section scalloped out. Very similar to what you have except its wood. This way no need to build a rack system. The two braces on the bottom dont have scallops on both sides, just the top one. Barrels lay in the scallops, put next length of wood on top of them only that piece is scalloped on both sides but offset. One at the front and one at the back and no issues at all!

Crude drawing. . .

O= barrel
U= scalloped section of wood

OK I have to comment on this design for and for Backpacker's comment.

Stormy's Idea is correct as I have read further Alpha had crack issues. "Square peg round hole" syndrome. Proper shape and support would correct the issue blue barrel or not I would think. Just my thoughts, Carry on....