
I'm posting this here in hopes more of you will read it rather than in Announcements.

Anyways, brother izzy and I were talking today and we both got to asking, "why don't the lurkers jump into the conversations more often?"

So let me be direct: is there something about the website, topics or membership that prevents you from posting, commenting, or generally joining in?

As they say in the military: permission to speak freely! If there's something holding you back, please let us know. While we can't accommodate everyone, I'd hate to think there's something we're doing that makes someone feel uncomfortable about participating.

Conversely, is there something we should add or change that would encourage you to dive in and share your wisdom?

Every website has more members than active participants, that's a given. But I see a lot of names logging in who either only comment once in a blue moon, or never say anything. Some folks are just content to read and absorb and that's totally cool. But as mentioned, if there's something that's actively stopping you from chiming in let us know.

If you are more comfortable feel free to PM me directly rather than comment in the open forum.

We have a great group of core posters: men and women who honestly just want to be prepared for life's challenging situations. Lunchbox describes this forum as a cyber-campfire and we'll all just sitting around sharing tales. I only wish some of you on the fringes of the circle would move a little closer to the warmth.
