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Thread: SHTF Ready Phone Tree.

  1. #1
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Sep 2011

    Exclamation SHTF Ready Phone Tree.

    After the recent bad weather events with both Izzy, Helo, Ak47 and ID, I would like to propose setting up a phone tree. For those that dont know what a phone tree is, let me give a brief explanation. From a military standpoint. . .A phone tree is something we use in the military to answer an alert. Basically the call comes down from higher ups, saying "we're going to war" and then it goes to unit commanders, who alert their battle staff, who in turn alert company commanders.. . who in turn alert their senior NCO's who in turn alert the troops. . .its basically a way for all of us to contact each other in case of emergencies or to notify each other that everything's ok if a local event does happen. Its not something that has to be made public, and truth be told, I wouldnt want my number floating out there in internet-land. . . but I wouldnt have any problem with a couple of members here having it as part of a phone tree.

    Ideally, either we all would have a copy of it, or several higher echelon members in different regional locations would have it. This way if there is a local event to one member who has a copy, and that person is unreachable, there is always a backup contact to the phone tree. I know Izzy already has my number as it stands, and since we all have a pretty good idea of his reliability, as well as to his character, Im going to go out on a limb here and nominate him as one of the members who has access to it. I am doing this without consulting him, so if its too much responsibility Izzy, please say so. Its just after the tornados there in Tennessee, and now in Texas, and the resulting issues with quite a few of us trying to make sure our fellow Ants in those regions are safe, I think its time to step up the level of preparedness a few notches. Now, I know there are a few "overly cautious" folks out there who dont want others having their personal information, even if its just a cell phone number, and theres even a alternative for you folks. Go down to your local WalMart, Walgreens, BestBuy, wherever. . . and purchase a prepaid cell phone and use it just for this reason. Theres no tracing and no storing of personal information, and it only costs you if you actually use the phone.

    If Im reaching here, or stepping out of bounds, or straying from my lane, somebody please feel free to tell me to shut up, but personally, after the Tornados in Tennessee, I was really worried there for a bit til I knew Izzy and family was safe. I think this is a good idea, and I hope that the membership here thinks as much as well, and is willing to institute a plan like this.

    Stay Frosty,
    Bill Stormfeather

  2. #2
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    You're on the right track here Stormy... in fact I believe Miltunnelrat is already working on setting one up. Stay tuned!

  3. #3
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    I know I mentioned this a few weeks ago, but due to current events and being OBE (Overtaken By Events) I haven't been able to spend as much time online. So haven't been in the loop to see if the idea had taken hold or not. Being as how we now have had weather events in Texas after Izzys Tornado, I felt it was time to re-visit the topic and put it out there for all to see, ponder, and act accordingly to. Hopefully its being implemented, and if I had a few minutes free time, I would start and implement it myself, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to do so currently.
    And on that note, I'm off to bed, got a 18 hour day coming up and working all weekend. . . no Easter Eggs for Stormy. . . .
    Last edited by Stormfeather; 04-05-2012 at 11:21 AM.

  4. #4
    I am all for this. However, I do not want "new guy who just joined, who might work for a govmt agency" to know my phone number. I would, if possible, like to choose who I give my info to.

  5. #5
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

    The Stig's Avatar
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    See item number one under "things we have in the works" in THIS thread......

    ETA: Gunner, I believe under the system MItunnelrat is working out only your local Point of Contact person would have your number. And that person would be a member who has been here some time, contributed, is somewhat of a known quantity, etc. In other words, they would not be new guy who shows up out of nowhere.

    I'm closing this until MI can make his announcement explaining what he has in mind and how the call tree might work. Thanks for the good idea fairy Stormy but let's check fire until MI can release what he has in store. Then please feel free to add suggestions, tweak, etc. I do appreciate your idea and desire to stay in touch with fellow ants. That is most cool.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  6. #6
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    Information up and posted in the announcement forum.
    Consilio et animis




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