Since everything we do is going to be from solar, this is one thing we are needing to look into. But in our case we need one that is for cold climates. Is anyone using solar for their hot water now? Here are some links that I have found in my search. I also need to know what kind of pipes you would use. Like is galvanized pipe better than copper pipe in cold climates and in the long run? Or are stainless steel flex pipe better? These links are what I am looking at now and hopefully can find the answers. But I was really hoping to find someone who is already using a solar system and can help me out. Because of all the info there is that is out there, the best info is the one you get from the ""LIVE AND LEARN"" Thanks

Solar Hot Water Basics

The $1000 Solar Water Heating System

What Kinds Of Solar Hot Water Heating Systems Can Be Used In Cold Climates?

Pipe Size for a Solar Heater |