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Thread: BOV/BOL trial run

  1. #1
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee

    BOV/BOL trial run

    The past few days we did a partial mock bugout/long weekend. My goal for this other than to take a few days away, was to try out our truck (BOV)/camper (BOL). Since we got the newer truck we hadn't had time or a chance to try it out towing the camper, so I had no idea as to how well it would handle or the mileage it would get.

    Here is a little background. Should we encounter a reason to bugout and have more than 1/2hr to do so, we plan on hooking to the camper and getting out of dodge. The camper is a 5th wheel and weights around 6500-7000lbs unloaded. The truck has a 10,700 tow capacity so we can handle some extra weight in the camper for food, water, and gear.

    My plan for the exercise was to get what we had to have loaded and out of the way, then do a timed load of bugout supplies. For this trip we did away with bugout food since we already were taking plenty with us. We were able to do a water and gear loadout in just over 30 minutes and I can hook up and be moving in 15-20 if needed. I considered this part to be acceptable for our first shot at it.

    Second part of the test was the trip itself. We drove just under 1000 miles in terrian ranging from level at sea level to over 5000 ft and grades of up to 7% up and down. I'm very pleased to say the truck passed the test with flying colors as far as pulling, turning, and breaking. I also took detailed measurements of my mileage, which I'm sad to say sucked badly. For the entire trip I averaged about 8.8mpg. I was hoping for at least 10. However with the same trip on level ground it may come much closer to that. I would estimate between 500-600 miles were in the mountians or foothills and I could see a difference in consumption than when we got down to the flat lands.

    Over all I was able to gather a good deal of information and held what I considered to be a sucsessful bugout. I feel better all around about our plans and some of our gear. On top of that we had a great three days to chill out on top of that.
    Last edited by bacpacker; 04-25-2012 at 01:34 AM.

  2. #2
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    When we towed our 18' trailer to our BOL, we left fla. and the trailer was fully loaded with everything in it. If we needed to stop anywhere we had everything we needed for a 6 month term stay kind of loaded. Our truck is a Dodge 2500 V 10 which we got 8 mpg. So BP don't feel bad about the gas milage, be happy it did it's job of pulling.

  3. #3
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    I'm thrilled with the way it handled. After this trip if gas wasn't so expensive I would take it to the mountians out west in a heartbeat.

    We are working on plans to have a bug out load built and loaded for a hasty retreat if needed. It would cut at least 30 minutes off our time.

  4. #4
    A laugh a minute
    Taz Baby's Avatar
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    Where no one can find me
    My anut and uncle have a motor home they keep loaded at all times. Because ( as my uncle put's it) He never knows when my aunt is going to get a bug up her butt to go somewhere new. They are retired and travel everywhere. When at home it is plugged in and ready. All they have to do is unplug it from the house and leave.

  5. #5
    Bacon Spam

    rentprop1's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    My parents are RV part timers, same way only time things like clothes and sheets are out of the RV is when they are at home , they just can stop at any grocery store for extra supplies, over what isn't stocked up already

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