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Thread: Cashless Society

  1. #11
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    My take on the cashless society is this. There is much talk about converting everything to electronic currency. Instead of cash you just swipe your card, funds are transfered and your done. If you think about it, how many of us on here use a debit card on a regular basis? I know folks that keep little to no cash, just debit card only. Maybe a credit card. Banking and bill pay online is another step down that road.

    Large monetary transfers such as a tankers of oil are already electronic fund transfers. There is no cash involved. I could see this changing in maybe the next 10-20 years from cash to cashless.

    Just my .02. With inflation, that is much less than a penny now.
    Last edited by bacpacker; 04-28-2012 at 01:49 AM.

  2. #12
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    My take on the cashless society is this. There is much talk about converting everything to electronic currency. Instead of cash you just swipe your card,funds are transfered and your done. If you think about it how many of us on here use a debit card on a regular basis? I know folks that keep little to no cash just debit card only. Maybe a credit card. Banking and bill pay online is another step down that road.

    Large monetary transfers such as a tanker of oil are already electronic fund transfers. There is no cash involved. I could see this changing in maybe the next 10-20 years from cash to cashless.
    Just my .02 whick inflation is much less than a penny now.
    Yea, I can see that. Hell, I barely carry any cash now.

    But to me, and maybe I'm just dense, I don't see us going totally cashless for a long long time. I don't see my Grandfather going cashless. I don't see all my 75 to 85 year old aunts and uncles surrendering cash.

    Now my 18 year old cousins, who were raised on interent and facebook? That's a different story and when cashless becomes a reality (and even then, I don't see people going for it). So if it were to pass, and back to the OP's original topic, would we be able to use silver/gold to pay our bills? No. But we aren't doing this now, so who cares.

    Gold/Silver is for barter and potential investment, nothing else.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  3. #13
    For the Love of Cats

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    Ahhh... ok. Not cashless, but paperless. Around here a debit card is as good as cash. and for the most part, used interchangably. I always carry some paper/coin money on me, as more often than not, it creates better deals, but for 90% of my day to day purchases, they're done via card. all my payments are done electronically. my cheque gets deposited automatically.

    But when I stop to get a tire fixed, and the sign on the wall says $12.50; a $10.00 handshake is sufficient

    I know people who Will NOT use plastic for anything. They get their paper cheque, go to the bank to cash it, and then pay cash in person for everything. Personally, I don't have time to run around paying bills in person. electronic is a sweet convenience!

    Thanks for the clarrification!

  4. #14
    Wants to know if that is a nut tool for a fire hydrant nozzle

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    Your answers lay with Sweden.
    Sweden Edges Closer To Becoming Cashless Society

    And their wonderful women

  5. #15
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    Quote from the story....

    Three per cent is still too much if you ask Ulvaeus. A cashless society may seem like an odd cause for someone who made a fortune on "Money, Money, Money" and other ABBA hits, but for Ulvaeus it's a matter of security.

    After his son was robbed for the third time he started advocating a faster transition to a fully digital economy, if only to make life harder for thieves.

    "If there were no cash, what would they do?" says Ulvaeus, 66.

    The Swedish Bankers' Association says the shrinkage of the cash economy is already making an impact in crime statistics.
    So the dude from ABBA wants a cashless society because his son was robbed and if there were no cash criminals would suddenly.......stop being criminals? Yea, they wouldn't ever rob you for your watch or shoes. They wouldn't start breaking into houses or cars instead. They'd never think of exploring other illegal schemes to make a buck. Fuck me, they'd probably never think of trying to steel your electronic money. Nobody ever does that. cash means they'd throw up their hands in frustration and go on the straight and narrow.

    Fucking musicians who want to pretend to be smart make me want to toss puppies in a wood chipper.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  6. #16
    For the Love of Cats

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    ^ my wife dragged me to a U2 show last year. Bone-head had his POS propaganda flashing on screens and ticker tapes all the time. and never mind most of his lyrics *shudder*

    I could've filled my pond with chipped puppies

  7. #17
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
    Not only does Walmart not take silver or gold, but they also don't take rabbits, potatoes or pumpkins.

    Tractor supply does, and so do the feed stores. I can barter at most places where I live.

  8. #18
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stig View Post
    Yea, I can see that. Hell, I barely carry any cash now.

    But to me, and maybe I'm just dense, I don't see us going totally cashless for a long long time. I don't see my Grandfather going cashless. I don't see all my 75 to 85 year old aunts and uncles surrendering cash.

    Now my 18 year old cousins, who were raised on interent and facebook? That's a different story and when cashless becomes a reality (and even then, I don't see people going for it). So if it were to pass, and back to the OP's original topic, would we be able to use silver/gold to pay our bills? No. But we aren't doing this now, so who cares.

    Gold/Silver is for barter and potential investment, nothing else.

    The older generation is why i said 10-#20 years. There won't be many of them left by then. My parents are in their 70's now and they use a debit card for some stuff. Not nearly everything but some. My grandparents NO way in hell would they use a card. We found several thousand dollars in Mamaw's freezer when she died.

    My pay and I'm sure others on here is direct deposit. I never get a check. Social security, pensions, and such, same thing. It's not that far of a reach in my opinion.
    Last edited by bacpacker; 04-28-2012 at 01:58 AM.

  9. #19
    Thunder Lizard Canning Club Chapter of the Old Farts Society

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stig View Post
    Fucking musicians who want to pretend to be smart make me want to toss puppies in a wood chipper.
    Why not use musicians and save the puppies for soup later? Or hot dogs?

    Seriously, when people like actors, musicians and entertainers get taken seriously for their opinions, we are in deep kimchi. Having a credible opinion usually means that you have a fair bit of knowledge on a subject. Sadly, that no longer seems to be the case. In any transaction something of value is exchanged for something else of value. Going to a paperless economy may or may not be the TPTB method of tracking expenditures, if they wish too.

    In my opinion, there will be for the forseeable future cash. Think of how much criminal activity uses cash. Think of how the poor have to use cash if they are not on the dole. Think of the number of people who prefer cash. And think of the U.S. with 300,000,000+ people vs Sweden with 9,000,000+ people. Their population is small enough that they may, and that is a big may, be able to pull it off, but they also have a sizable portion of the population from the middle east where cash is king.

    Just some things to think about when contemplating these sorts of things
    Last edited by Grumpy Old Man; 04-27-2012 at 05:22 PM. Reason: spelling
    Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me Liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry, Virginia House of Burgesses, March 23, 1775

    Quo Vadis?

    Luke 22:36, And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

  10. #20
    He can get it up, but getting it down again might be, ah, interesting....wait...we're talking about airplanes right?
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    Keeping in mind that trade is harder to stamp out than cockroaches in a New York apartment, I don't give the 'cashless society' much hope of being effective at implementing the kind of control the .gov is anticipating. "Any prohibition invariably produces a black market to service it...."

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