Quote Originally Posted by mitunnelrat View Post
Lol. I definitely do hard work at least. I get regular squats, deadlifts, and farmers walks in with the dirt, mulch, rock I move. Or tools working with my dad. Presses of building Kettlebells I need, but I have some free weights. I do pullups now at work off my lockups door frame. I've got one of those ab wheels, and as gimmicky as it seems it is actually damned effective. I never thought to get a dueling rope.

My biggest issue is time. I already get up at 4 am so I have time to exercise, do dry fire, and commune with my God. Having more equipment at home would certainly make things easier. Until then its improv at home or trek to the gym.

Thinking how you can use your daily work routine for fitness is smart. I was in a post Hurricane disaster area for work in 2008 (E Texas) and we were staying at a trashed Air Nat Guard base. We used the debris for fitness and the airfield for running. Run a lap, do a debris pickup and throw over shoulder for a few reps then run a lap then do pull ups, etc.