We all have our "BOB"s. Some of us have more, some have less. It really all comes down to what we have decided to prep for.

I have heard BOBs called many things. Upon a little research, it is my opinion that there are several different types of bags.

There are different types of Bug Out Bags, differing in their size and contents as well as their intended purpose. What they have in common is that they are portable aides to survival, designed to assist their user in surviving and/or escaping from a survival situation. Let's break it down a little.

1. EDC kit

The EDC or Every Day Carry kit consists of the critical items that you keep on your person at all times. For most folks, it consists of wallet, knife, keys, flashlight, etc. Some choose to add a firearm to their EDC kit.

2. 72 hour BOB

This is what is most commonly meant by the term "Bug-Out Bag". Borrowing from the military idea of the "3 day assault pack", It is designed to sustain one person for three days, on the move.

3. The Get Home Bag

The GHB is a BOB intended to get the user from wherever he or she happens to be when disaster strikes, back to his or her home, where (presumably) the rest of his or her survival preparations are stored. From there, he or she can then decide whether to bug-in/bunker, or bug out. The GHB is generally smaller and lighter than a 72 hour BOB, as it is only useful if it is light and handy enough to actually carry every day.

4. Go Bag

A Go bag is intended to support its owner while getting from point A to point B, typically a Bug Out Location (BOL). The contents and size of the bag will be determined by the time, distance, and obstacles that one expects to encounter during their bug out.

5. INCH Bag

The "I'm Never Coming Home" (INCH) variant is designed to support the life of its owner indefinitely as opposed to other BOBs which are oriented torward sustaining life for a fixed length of time and perhaps an advantage if something unexpected happens. These bags tend to be much larger and contain a wider array of tools and supplies, they are also much heavier.

Hope this helps.
