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Thread: Physical Fitness

  1. #111
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    Its well water for me too, even at work most of the time. I have a gallon jug I've gotten back into taking there.

    I'm still doing well with not smoking, but let myself slip on soda today. I didn't think to drop a caffeine tab before heading to Detroit and wanted to be somewhat alert while there.

    Everything else seems to be proceeding according to plan. I'm already down 2.7 pounds for this week.
    Consilio et animis


  2. #112
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Quote Originally Posted by mitunnelrat View Post
    Its well water for me too, even at work most of the time. I have a gallon jug I've gotten back into taking there.

    I'm still doing well with not smoking, but let myself slip on soda today. I didn't think to drop a caffeine tab before heading to Detroit and wanted to be somewhat alert while there.

    Everything else seems to be proceeding according to plan. I'm already down 2.7 pounds for this week.
    I got to work for 7 days at a time. If I was home every night I would bring my well water.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  3. #113
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    Yeah. I remember you talking about that. I was going to mention it being a difference even, but was too lazy to on my phone.
    Consilio et animis


  4. #114
    For the Love of Cats

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    After 18 weeks... I am down 25 pounds!

    And considering I just got back from a week long piss up with gourmet meals... I am really happy that I didn't put 10 back on. lol
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  5. #115
    Crotch Rocket

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    Good job, T!

    Anyone else want to play or have a story to tell? I've been on this lately hoping as much to inspire as hold myself to some kind of accountability here. If my inherently lazy, fat ass with a hectic schedule can do it, anyone can!

    Now, on to that accountability... I suck! I've still been exercising at work, but I fell off the non-smoking wagon in the midst of all this overtime I've been pulling for the past couple weeks. I've done better with avoiding Pepsi and sugary energy drinks, but not by much. Beer? Mmmm, beeeer. I had a few on my one night off, but honestly, I'm more likely to fall asleep mid-way through one before I can drink much right now.

    On the plus side, I have still lost 6 pounds, my diet at work has much improved since I'm chugging more water than anything else and eating almost nothing but foods from last year's garden. I need to get my little grill in here again and mix some fresh meals in too though. Jumping rope is getting easier. I don't think it will be any more than a month and I'll be getting 1,000 reps at a session in again. Crunches and back extensions are going easier, but my numbers are still pathetic compared to what I'd have thought they would be. The same with push ups, inverted rows, and air squats.

    I promised my girlfriend I would train alongside her for a 5k. No way am I not going to support getting more active and fit. This is really about the max distance I'm wanting to run though. My body type is better suited to other activities like lifting heavy things. Next week I'll be be back at the gym twice a week. I'd get one more session in, but I only have three weeks to clear 12,000 sq. ft along two of my property lines and get my soil mixed and new boxes/ pails filled to finish getting our garden in. I'll pick the third gym day up once I'm back in school in July.

    I'm watching too many people I know who, in their 50's, are breaking down due to poor lifestyle choices. The time to combat that is now.
    Consilio et animis


  6. #116
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    I just finished reading all 12 pages. I thought I was the only old fat man amongst this group of super-human beings who are ready at all times to protect and defend their castle, and slay their enemy with just a finger. I don't feel so all alone now. I'm 6'3", and am probably considered obese at 255. In high school, I had a 30" waist, and now at 53, I wear pants with a 42"waist. Do I have an excuse for having gained all this weight, no but in my defense, I worked for PepsiCo for the past 20 years. I ran soda routes for years, and the Mountain Dew flowed like water. My first summer, I survived on not much more than Mt. Dew and Hershey bars and didn't gain a pound. After 7 yrs of pushing soda, I switched over to Frito-Lay, (owned by Pepsico) working in a factory making potato chips. Part of my job was to constantly do taste tests from the line. This is when the weight started, as I weighted 201 when I started, and ended up 13 yrs later at 235. It didn't happen over night, it was about 3 lbs. a year. I told myself I could take it off anytime I wanted. I could loose 5 lbs a week by just eating right, but I would put it back on the next week. I was given a medical retirement after my neck and spinal surgeries, and after sitting at home for the past 3 yrs, I now weight almost 260. That is about 1/8th of a TON.
    Stormfeathers manifesto came to me as a slap in the face wake up call. It's too easy to make excuses, especially medical excuses, I have a lot of neck and back pain, but mostly from only getting 15-20 hrs sleep per week. There are many exercises I can't do, but I can walk, and I can eat less....much less. I like how the group has come together to help one another. I will encourage and help out anyone I can here, and only ask for the same. Can some here please keep chewing me out when I slack off. I do promise to get out and walk each morning. I will post when I do, as well as when I don't. If I have someone pushing me, I think it will help.

  7. #117
    Crotch Rocket

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    Lol... Be careful what you wish for dude

    Nah, its great to see that keeping tbis discussion alive has provided some motivation to someone else. Tell ya what, until we get more playing I'll be your accountability buddy, no sweat! (at least in that)
    Consilio et animis


  8. #118
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Guys at least making the effort is something. Don't expect to change everything at once. Count all the little wins. Get on my fitness pal and start using it. Once you get started in the right direction it gets easier. I never thought I would quit smoking, or quit drinking cokes, but I did it. I also never thought I would enjoy going to the gym. I struggled though the first month, now I hate it when I miss a day (even a day I am supposed to miss). Pick one goal and stick with it, once you have that down it is physiological win, and will make you want to win again. Then pick a different task and win that. Just keep it up till you are where you want to be.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  9. #119

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    As I am going to school for this very subject, slow and steady improvements are the key. Look at the big picture. If you're 30% body fat and are losing .5 to 1% body fat a month, by the end of the year you could lose 12% body fat. Now all of a sudden you're in the ideal to average range of the BMI.

    By the way as a certified trainer, if anyone has any questions I'm happy to help.
    I don’t have “hobbies” I’m developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set.

  10. #120
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
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    Domeguy. . . did ya walk today? Just checking in on ya brother!
    Its fine to have one,
    Its fine to be proud of it,
    But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around,
    And PLEASE dont try to force it down my children's throats.

    An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

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