Socal, you are so right about using Chicken Stock. We don't eat a lot of rice (although we have plenty stored), but we do use stock when cooking beans. It adds a very nice flavor to a pot. We use no water in them.
I like your planning time line. Water is the biggest factor we all face. Some much more than others. We have some 55 gallon drums filled and kept dark. Rotated and with bleach. We've had no issues with this for several years now. We always use the water on our trees, bushes, and garden. Another item in this vain, purification! We kept some tablets to carry in the GHBs along with filters for both the kitchen, backpacks, etc. I want to build a system with 2-5 gallon buckets to build a large volume capacity. My next door neighbors both have spring fed ponds that I can draw from if needed.