What steps do you take to prepare for a SHTF event when staying in a hotel?

For me:
* Never stay in hotel/motel with exterior facing doors
* Stay on as low as floor as possible
* Place large towel across the bottom of the room-door to block smoke in the event of a fire while I'm sleeping
* Note the approximate distance to the fire exits from my room (counting doors preferably....ie 6 door to the left is a stairwell, etc)
* Keep my clothes and personal belongings stacked neatly in one location so I can easily grab them all if I have to scoot quickly
* Place room key with car keys so I don't lock myself out on a trip to the ice machine (total shtf event if making quick dash in skivvies)

Other ideas thoughts?

I think Hotels lend a false sense of security because you start to identify with your room and feel like you're in a bunker. Many things can be going on outside your room but you're separated off in your own little cocoon.