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Thread: Your monthly and Yearly bills

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  1. #1
    Grand Poobah of the Smart Car Appreciation Society
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    Sep 2011

    Your monthly and Yearly bills

    As i explain in the other post about money habit i have been helping someone i know about basic facts of making sure that you understand the facts of building up your retirement .Since i have a small paycheck coming into my monthly bills i try and keep my bills down to under $550.oo a month along with a few once a year payouts for the bills .

    My once a year payouts as follows

    -car insurance-$650.oo
    -car maintenace insurance that pays for all the repairs on the car -$750.oo
    -land taxs per year -$320.oo
    -medical and dental insurance-$560.oo
    -insurance for the house and land for fire and other type damages if it something
    happens where i live at- like the CrownKing fire we just had in Az $230.oo
    -misc payouts for the year-$400.oo
    grand total for the year-$3085.oo

    i get a better deal on some of the insurance by doing a once a year payout for them instead of a money deal along with bundling some of the insurance togerther like car and medical & dental and home insurance through one place .

    My car is less than five years old and it does have to smog tested once a year and it pass without a problem but each year the car tags do get a little cheaper as the car get olders ..The insurance on the car is full coverage and i do get a better deal with the fact i do a once a year payment on the socalled insurance policy i have with the company

    my socalled every three months bill payouts
    -oil change for the smart -$35.oo
    -personal meds i need -$21.oo

    my month basic monthly bills

    -cellphone -$45.00
    -misc items-$100.oo
    -Gas for the vehicle -$60.oo
    -eating out and going to the movies -x-twice a month -$40.oo
    -extra items not listed -$100.oo

    Since my house & it land that is sits on is paid for along with the only really thing i have to do once a year is pay the taxs that the state of Az asked for once a year .

    MY cellphone is a Saight Talk smartphone that use a unlimited plan that 45.dollars a month for everything from calling to text to 411 and other thing and it beening a Andriod phone i download a program that allows me to use it as a moblie hotspot for Ipad as my main internet device also

    The socalled misc items like toliet paper --papertowels--bathsoap--dishsoap-razorblades-shaving soap--etc-etc-etc also this is also for the fuel that bought for the generator during the winter months because of not getting enough solar to charge the battie bank ..

    I go out twice a month to the movies and nice dinner to enjoy things .i go to place like Goldern Corral or another all you can eat buffets type places for my dinner and catch a before movie that half off the normal price of the movie

    I do pack my lunch to save money and drink ice tea when i work or buy a 1.5.liter soda for my lunch to drink when i'm at break

  2. #2
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    Virginia, USA
    I want to know where you live.

    You must live alone.

  3. #3
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    No crap. Must be nice to live on $550. a month. But your car tags are freaking crazy!!!! Ours here run something like $20.
    I apologize for nothing...

  4. #4
    Grand Poobah of the Smart Car Appreciation Society
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    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
    I want to know where you live.

    You must live alone.
    Yes i'm single and my kids are grow up and gone out of the house and all are in the US Military and all over the world .I live in White Mountains area of Az and i live about about 20.mins from work by car in Slow Low Az area.

    Quote Originally Posted by ladyhk13 View Post
    No crap. Must be nice to live on $550. a month. But your car tags are freaking crazy!!!! Ours here run something like $20.
    Next year my tags drops down to less than $68.oo dollar's a year because of the vehicle beening more than 5.years old ,.I do go over budget here and there and that buying of food products because of getting a good deal of something and i stock up on it for the freezer and that way i do not have to buy alot when i go to the grocery store

    Last week i went over budget but i got heck of deal on meats from the store and i made up some pre made meals to keep in the freezer to just take and heat up in the mircowave when i get home from work

    I live real simple because of trying to get into the habit of not having somethings like cable tv or something else that i do not need in my life

  5. #5
    Where's the epi?

    ladyhk13's Avatar
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    I guess when the time comes we could live without cable, we buy a lot of dvd's and video games so between those and books we could keep busy in the evenings. Keeping up with the news would probably be the worse thing about it unless we kept satellite for the internet. Our cable bill is relatively small since we just have a pretty basic plan (no movie channels, nothing special) so it's not a big deal. We cut off our home phone and only use cell phones with basic service - no texting or calls only so that bill is pretty small too. We buy all of our meats and anything else we can in bulk which saves money and I only have to get perishables every couple of weeks (I really hate to shop), we used to eat out 4-5 times a week but have actually cut that down to maybe once a week so we have saved money there. These weren't really conscience decisions to "save" money, they just sort of happened and the savings were a benefit.
    I have kind of gotten the canning bug since Justa did a great tutorial about doing meats so now I've gone kind of crazy and just want to keep canning (dh says I have to stop because he's afraid the floor is going to cave in from the weight). Just awesome to do and as all those shelves get packed it makes me feel good to know that there is plenty of food if shtf.
    The only thing I'm missing is a dehydrator so I can make jerkey. That will be the next thing and although it will raise the electric bill for a while it will offset the LTS foods.
    I apologize for nothing...

  6. #6
    Dont worry about shitting yourself
    Gunfixr's Avatar
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    Virginia, USA
    Around here, one trip to the movies is 40.00, with nothing to eat or drink.
    Going to the matinee drops it to between 25.00 and 30.00.
    A month of food for $200.00? Only of you live on Ramen noodles, and that much Ramen would kill you before long. Too much salt for all the time.
    Dinner for the 4 of us at McDonalds, not going crazy, is between 23.00 and 28.00.
    Cheapest sit down meal would be Cracker Barrel, at about 45.00 to 55.00 for the 4 of us.
    Gas is 50.00 to 70.00 a week, depending, for me and my wife. Don't know my son's gas bill, he has two jobs, he can buy his own gas.
    That's with the Bronco sitting in the yard, and we both drive cars getting over 30mpg.

    No, I'm not getting any smart cars. There are very few smart cars on the road around here, and for good reason. The way people drive here, it's a good way to get killed. The cars we're driving now kinda push it.

    We turned off the cable and house phone over a year ago. No magazine subscriptions, no paper.

    While I'm happy for you, I wish I could live on that amount.
    I suppose once the economy dives, we will, but life will be much less comfortable than it is now, and we're in the poverty level.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    yah man i got like
    400 a month for lot rent
    100 for satelite
    150 for food weekly 2 sons me and the wife
    150 electric
    60 weekly in gas
    2000 yearly in oil heat
    200 year for home owners insurance
    100 month for car insurance
    500 year for inspection
    100a year for 2 trucks registration
    200 a month in misc. this needs fixed need beer smokes whatever
    80 a month for water and sewer
    65 weekly for child support for 3rd kid
    50 weekly for me food at work extra things taking the old lady out watever
    wish i could live on 550 a month be nice

  8. #8
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    Holly crap that would be nice to be able to live on so little. We pay around about $1000 just for registration on the vehicles alone. Our medical insurance will be going up to about $1,400 per month next year when my wife retires. Then again there is the kids tuition which lets just say a lot.......

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