Here's a brief blurb about fire suppression from 1909. Personally, I think I am going to make a couple of these up. Esp for the garage.

Hand Fire Extinguisher.—Another
device consists of a mixture of suitable
substances combined in a glass
vessel, which must be thrown upon the
fire with sufficient force to break the
glass. To make hand grenades or fire
extinguishers of this sort take pint or
quart fruit jars or any large bottles
,and charge them with a mixture of
equal parts of sugar of lead, alum,
and common salt, dissolved in water.
Keep these tightly corked in various
parts of the house. To extinguish a
fire throw one or more of these bottles
into or just above the burning
parts, so that the liquid will fall upon
the wood or flames.
Or charge these bottles with a mixture
made of 2 pounds of common
salt, 1 pound of muriate of ammonia,
and 3 quarts of water. Dissolve, bottle,
cork, and keep at hand in various
parts of the house for emergency.
Throw the bottles into the fire with
force enough to break them.
Or dissolve pearlash, soda, wood
ashes, or common salt in the water
which is being dashed upon the flames
from pails or pitchers, or in which
are soaked cloths to beat out the
Fire Extinguisher Hand Grenades. —Fill round bottles of thin blue glass
with a mixture of equal parts of common
borax and sal ammoniac or calcium
chloride. Add, just enough
water to dissolve these substances,
thus making strong saturated solutions.

Sorry for the formatting