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Thread: Constantly moving

  1. #1

    2die4's Avatar
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    Constantly moving

    Due to the Army telling me where to live every 3 years I have to be crafty with prepping. I would love to store food, have rain barrels, and the whole nine yards but I can't.
    My main focus is food,water and ammo. Mres of course are the main staple of my shtf kit. Right now I have a two month supply for General(wife) and me. (working on 6).
    Water is different. Being a lot bulkier I have been focusing on the purification angle. Fire and chemicals. Matches don't take up space nor does a bag of powdered bleach or a bottle of purification pills.

    With ammo I have a wide range of shotgun loads along with the different caliber bullets. I even have round to guns I don't own for bartering purposes.

    Just wondering if any others are faced with moving and face the same situation. Still can't help that I'm forgetting something.
    Last edited by 2die4; 06-17-2012 at 02:22 AM.

  2. #2
    alika2die4 Might I suggest varying your food stores with non-MRE components. Long term consumption is not healthy. I know it can be done, and some men are stubborn in this aspect. Freeze dried, canned, beans, rice, and stuff like that will be a blessing to your appetite and digestive system.

    I myself am limited to what I can do, being military also. I cant get 100 acres and pimp it out like some lucky people here do.

    I do like your ammo decisions. I am going to get a good base of calibers I use first, then mosey onto the popular ones I dont use. I wont get .375 H & H (rare?) but I will get .40SW, .380, .308, .22-250, and stuff like that.

  3. #3

    2die4's Avatar
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    Hell mres wreck havoc in my digestive track 2 days into a field training exercise. Lol

  4. #4
    This guy has "some" flashlights. Just a couple. As in, a metric-butt ton of em.

    Echo2's Avatar
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    any better than no food.

    supplement the main entree with dried rice. Rice with one entree can last all day and weight to calorie wise is minimal.
    The Difference Between a Welfare State and a Totalitarian State is a Matter of Time.

  5. #5
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    General would be HH6? If so that says housing vs. barracks, and plays into something I thought might help your water storage: Collapsibles.

    A few of the 5 gallon jugs and a water bob would require minimal space when not in use, but give you something substantial to draw from given enough lead time and warning.

    ETA: and they're light, which would work well when moving.
    Consilio et animis


  6. #6
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    For water purification, I would suggest looking at a Backpacking style purifier (there are many brands out there). The other methods while providing acceptable results have some drawbacks. You have to replenish the supply and in certain circumstances may be impossible to get. Fire takes a while and could give away your position. Chem treatments leave (to me) a horrible after taste. Just my $0.02 on that.
    I have some MRE's but they are more for a quick gotta go right now and probably keep moving for a while. I prefer to use freeze dried or just dried stuff like pasta or rice meals in a bag. Plus the weight and space is less. Longer term, rice, beans, and spices are much healthier and more nutrious.
    In the end of it all though is you gotta do what fits your situation and taste. Thank You for your service.

  7. #7
    Grand Poobah of the Smart Car Appreciation Society
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    There is a couple of things you can do if it just two poeple in the on base housing set up .

    1-Under your bed is a idea spot for two long rubbermaid tough storage totes filled with 30 .day supply of food items that can be made up in a small cooking stove pot by just adding water to the mix .Plus cans of the diff ready to eat type meals items that can be heated up in the can .

    Those items can be stored in the two totes for a total of 60.days supply of food with a smaller tote holding the solo style single camp stove set with cooking pot and accessories items with extras items stored in that tote

    2-Get those single large plastic one drawer type units and stack them up into you have a 5 or 6 high drawer unit to hold the supplies from cooking to first aid to food items and spices to hold those items as it need that might work for you

    Also you can take a can of beef stew with a can of whole potatoes or package of instast mash potatoes mix and tape them togerther and you have a luch or dinner meal along with taping to the can a small plastic bag of a drink mix to make up a 1.qt sized drink as it need .

    Also you can take a two packages of oatmeal and do a light tape job on them with f.d. fuits and a honey packet to make a breakfast meal as it needed

    break down the meal items into small packaging for less space inside the tote as it need Also with the mre meals you can add thing to them as it needed to make up a better meal if need .

  8. #8
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    Since you do not have a stable living situation I would consider looking at what transportation you have too. If I were you I would work toward your goals but I would also make sure I had a good reliable vehicle. I would also consider getting a good box trailer, it makes the next move easier and is a good thing to have to haul all you stuff. Hank is right, store you stuff in things like Rubbermaid totes. I like the boxes that are heavy duty with a one piece lids. There are some that will take up to 200 lbs which stack easy. It makes it much faster to pack. One good thing about moving a lot is you do not have all the crap like I have accumulated in my garage, I need a moving van.

  9. #9

    2die4's Avatar
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    I was looking into getting several of the jugs in the near future.

  10. #10

    2die4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by realist View Post
    Since you do not have a stable living situation I would consider looking at what transportation you have too. If I were you I would work toward your goals but I would also make sure I had a good reliable vehicle. I would also consider getting a good box trailer, it makes the next move easier and is a good thing to have to haul all you stuff. Hank is right, store you stuff in things like Rubbermaid totes. I like the boxes that are heavy duty with a one piece lids. There are some that will take up to 200 lbs which stack easy. It makes it much faster to pack. One good thing about moving a lot is you do not have all the crap like I have accumulated in my garage, I need a moving van.
    I eventually want to look into getting a trailer for such a thing. Because of the cost factor right now I rather spend it on stuff that I could used to bug in or gear to evac to a safer site by walking.(assuming roads will be clogged and a moving vehicle will invite unwanted trouble.)
    Quote Originally Posted by hank2222 View Post
    There is a couple of things you can do if it just two poeple in the on base housing set up .

    1-Under your bed is a idea spot for two long rubbermaid tough storage totes filled with 30 .day supply of food items that can be made up in a small cooking stove pot by just adding water to the mix .Plus cans of the diff ready to eat type meals items that can be heated up in the can .

    Those items can be stored in the two totes for a total of 60.days supply of food with a smaller tote holding the solo style single camp stove set with cooking pot and accessories items with extras items stored in that tote

    2-Get those single large plastic one drawer type units and stack them up into you have a 5 or 6 high drawer unit to hold the supplies from cooking to first aid to food items and spices to hold those items as it need that might work for you

    Also you can take a can of beef stew with a can of whole potatoes or package of instast mash potatoes mix and tape them togerther and you have a luch or dinner meal along with taping to the can a small plastic bag of a drink mix to make up a 1.qt sized drink as it need .

    Also you can take a two packages of oatmeal and do a light tape job on them with f.d. fuits and a honey packet to make a breakfast meal as it needed

    break down the meal items into small packaging for less space inside the tote as it need Also with the mre meals you can add thing to them as it needed to make up a better meal if need .
    Never thought about the containers. I basically have all that stuff in the cupboards but it would be a hell of lot easier to transport if we had to bug out in a hurry. Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    For water purification, I would suggest looking at a Backpacking style purifier (there are many brands out there). The other methods while providing acceptable results have some drawbacks. You have to replenish the supply and in certain circumstances may be impossible to get. Fire takes a while and could give away your position. Chem treatments leave (to me) a horrible after taste. Just my $0.02 on that.
    I have some MRE's but they are more for a quick gotta go right now and probably keep moving for a while. I prefer to use freeze dried or just dried stuff like pasta or rice meals in a bag. Plus the weight and space is less. Longer term, rice, beans, and spices are much healthier and more nutrious.
    In the end of it all though is you gotta do what fits your situation and taste. Thank You for your service.
    A purifier is next on my prep list. I haven't had a chance to really research it yet but I assume there is a filter that would need to be changed after so many gallons?

    Quote Originally Posted by Echo2 View Post
    any better than no food.

    supplement the main entree with dried rice. Rice with one entree can last all day and weight to calorie wise is minimal.
    I just bought two 5 gallon buckets and filled them with rice. it didn't take up to much room. With an airtight lid would I still need an oxygen absorber or something to ensure the rice keeps over the years?
    Last edited by 2die4; 06-17-2012 at 03:05 AM.



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