As we make preps for food, guns, ammo, clothes, medicines, communications, tools and financial needs (just to name some of the things) that we will need if shtf how many of you have thought about what you would do with your human waste should you have to bug out to your cabin in the woods without electric, be without electric due to either an EMP, a shutdown of the electrical grid, a change in lifestyle where you have decided to go off grid or whatever?
There are many composting toilets out now that you can buy or even build yourself and no longer smell like the outhouse or port o potties we all envision when we hear the word "composting toilet" and yet how many of us would actually put one of these in our house? Do any of you have one, used one or plan on having one at some point in the future?
I know no one wants to talk about shit but in a shtf scenario the sanitary conditions of our society could mean the difference between health or disease, comfort or misery.