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Thread: Fast and Furious

  1. #1
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Fast and Furious

    I just ran across this and thought it worthy of a little conversation. I hadn't really learned much about the aftermath of the case until I read this article. Some how I completely over looked this story.

    "The National Border Patrol Council, which represents all 17,000 of the agency’s nonsupervisory agents, called Monday for the resignation of Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. for his role in the botched “Fast and Furious” gunrunning operation that resulted in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent.

    Council President George E. McCubbin III, a 25-year Border Patrol veteran, described Mr. Holder’s actions in the case as “a slap in the face to all Border Patrol agents who serve this country,” adding that the attorney general showed “an utter failure of leadership at the highest levels of government.”

    Two semi-automatic AK-47 assault weapons found at the scene of the Dec. 15, 2010, killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry were traced by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to “straw buyers” who bought the weapons as part of the Fast and Furious investigation."

    Border Patrol group calls for Holder's resignation - Washington Times

  2. #2
    Wants to know if that is a nut tool for a fire hydrant nozzle

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    He needs more than a resignation. His actions have been proven intentional.

  3. #3
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

    The Stig's Avatar
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    While I agree that Holder is a shitbag, how do we tie this back into the day-to-day aspects of prepping and avoid the political aspects?
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  4. #4
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    Holder's view is I don't obey the law I am the law......... Stig you are right he is a REAL shitbag.

  5. #5
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    Absolute conspiracy to make gun stores and buyers look like crooks... If I had another brother, he'd look like agent Brian Terry.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.

  6. #6
    For the Love of Cats

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stig View Post
    ... how do we tie this back into the day-to-day aspects of prepping and avoid the political aspects?
    For one, it shows how a black market system can and does exist here in our polite society. Come SHTF, it is easy to see how it can/will escalate.

    For the sheeple who are relying on the good will of the government, and FEMA, and whoever else would do well to have some barter items stockpiled. Not saying everyone is corrupt, or that it is indeed corruption, but a little grease on some palms might make things run a little smoother, or may procure a few 'extras'
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  7. #7
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

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    SniperT - excellent reply and great job connecting a national news story to local prepping efforts.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  8. #8
    Thunder Lizard Canning Club Chapter of the Old Farts Society

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stig View Post
    While I agree that Holder is a shitbag, how do we tie this back into the day-to-day aspects of prepping and avoid the political aspects?
    I'd like to add to this discussion without getting overly philosophical, yet addressing the aspects of this that are germane to being prepared. What I see this as is a disconnect between various branches and departments within not only the federal but state and local governments as well. Not to mention the factionalization of the general populace. And as Sniper pointed out the corruption that has become rampant within the system. What does this have to do with prepping?

    The answer is in the concept of WROL- Without Rule Of Law. When actions are taken to further an agenda without electoral approval, no matter what that agenda is, then they are done WROL. We must take into account what, if any, effects these actions may have on ourselves and make preparations for them. In my recent travels I have noted that tensions are heating up in the cities and that is even spreading to the smaller burgs, without a lot of local LEO "interference". This affects me to the extent that I will only go to one WallyWorld and even then only in the very early morning,~ 6 a.m. I don't get much at WW, but that is my source for skivvies and socks, and sometimes ammo.

    All this is , to me, symptomatic in the decline of "moral fabric" in our world. I can no longer expect people to act with politeness and manners, but rather I need to expect the worst may happen. That in itself is sad. But, it also reminds me to be situationally aware, condition yellow, as it were, all the time. Even in my own home. We had a home invasion in a bedroom community about 15 miles from me recently. Fortunately I am still fairly rural so I'm father off the beaten track and don't make as tempting a target. (I have a horse trailer in my front yard and two older trucks in front of my '20s era farmhouse). But I need to be aware that it can happen to me and prepare for that eventuality.

    That elected officials may have engaged in unlawful behavior is not the point. The point is that our entire society is grouping into camps on every issue and each camp regards the others with increasing hostility. How to deal with this "us or them" mentality is going to be the challenge for me without letting my baser instincts take over. I need to prepare myself mentally for a society that is becoming more animalistic on a daily basis.

    This is a little disjointed, but I hope I've made my point. This isn't about politics or parties; it's about the symptoms of an increasingly self-absorbed and amoral society that doesn't care about much other than satisfying material desires no matter what it takes. That is what I (we?) need to mentally prepare for.
    Last edited by Grumpy Old Man; 06-19-2012 at 10:01 PM. Reason: grammar
    Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me Liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry, Virginia House of Burgesses, March 23, 1775

    Quo Vadis?

    Luke 22:36, And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

  9. #9
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

    The Stig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grumpy Old Man View Post
    Totally Kick Ass Post
    Well said. Relevant, on point and practical.

    You Sir win the internet for the next 20 minutes.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  10. #10
    Stalkercat...destroyer of donkeys, rider of horse

    izzyscout21's Avatar
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    is one of the most well thought out posts joining this subject andd prepping I have ever read.

    Spot on, Grumpy!
    WARNING: This post may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence. All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to but not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.



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