
Waldo Canyon Fire Evacuees Return To Find Property Burglarized, Vandalized « CBS Denver

"COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (CBS4)- Some evacuees from the Waldo Canyon Fire are returning home to find they were burglarized.

One couple’s car was stolen right out of their garage. Thieves also took jewelry and computers.

“It’s almost as bad as a house burned down because you feel violated. There are people out there who prey upon victims and people that are already suffering, so I feel like I’ve been hit by a train,” said Waldo Canyon Fire evacuee Linda Burton.

So far 22 homes have been reported as being burglarized while evacuees were waiting out the fire.

The evacuated neighborhoods weren’t the only ones targeted. About 60 cars were broken into while evacuees were staying in nearby hotels.

Police in Colorado Springs are still compiling crime reports and not everyone has been allowed to return home. Some 10,000 people remain evacuated. Police have not commented on whether they expect to receive more reports of burglaries or vandalism."

I can only imagine how bad things are getting in Colorado as well as the east coast dealing with their power outages... Thoughts and prayers.