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Thread: Are You Ready?

  1. #1
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

    The Stig's Avatar
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    Are You Ready?

    The scenario: a multi-state storm system knocks out power to your area for days on end. You are holding your own. Uncomfortable but getting by because you thought ahead and had some cash on hand, water on the shelf and a generator (with fuel).

    Your neighbors, who are waiting for "the government" to rescue them suddenly collectively realize nothing going to happen. In true "it's not fair" spirit they suddenly realize you're living in relative luxury. They want a piece of it and show up on your doorstep demanding you share the wealth.

    Scenario two: a hurricane destroys your county and people in your sub-division are doing what they can to recover. After several days it becomes obvious you were prepared and are getting by. You're only slightly less miserable in the 100F heat but your preparations help make things a little better. While out cutting down limbs that are dangling near your house, a group of people from the local neighborhood come by. They'd like you to donate some of your supplies to some families who didn't think ahead.

    Scenario three: A wild fire is consuming your area. As you are loading up the family car to head out, and putting in the last neatly placed tub of supplies, a neighbor comes up to you frantically. They demand that they ride out of danger with you because their car doesn't have enough gas.

    Are you ready for this? Have you mentally prepared yourself to be strong in the face of emotional people? Will you have the resolve to act should the time come?

    Not even sure what sort of response I'm looking for here. I guess it's easy to say "yea, I'd kick their ass" but have you really thought through how you'd handle situations such as these?

    Because they are coming. Whether the SHTF event is big or small, there will be people who didn't prepare and just want you to bail them out.

    Have you prepared for that scenario? Are you Ready?
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  2. #2
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Ohio surrounded by farm land
    Four words Stig.

    Get Off My Lawn.

  3. #3
    Wants to know if that is a nut tool for a fire hydrant nozzle

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    mentally, physically, and logistically prepared? yes, yes, and yes. As far as neighbors/zombies...

    scenario 1- I would allow them to negotiate who got to use my other outlet on my generator (drawing straws etc. possibly someone could donate a fridge for the local neighborhood to keep things from spoiling, i wouldn't care, they would compromise, not me. They've been taught to "suck it up" when things get put back on them amirite? :P) that is of course assuming they had fuel to contribute, otherwise, I wouldn't feel obligated.

    scenario 2- same as above, I feel no need to donate anything besides advice. Its up to them to barter their way for what I have. Still doesn't mean that I'll want what they have.

    scenario 3- of course I'd let him/her load up. If you're already going in the right direction, whats 1 more body? Of course, the agreement would be based on exactly that... just a ride. After that he/she would be responsible for themselves, just like any other American.

  4. #4
    In his experience the hammer head is better

    apssbc's Avatar
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    In both scenario one and two I would explain that I have a little extra to spare. I would pass out some of what I have extra. Maybe allow them to use some power in shifts or offer to store perishables for them. Now if they arent happy with my generosity then we have a dilema, I will use force if necessary. Maybe working outside and open carrying would be enough of a clue to make them behave. Being that scenario 1 and less so scenario 2 things will get back to normal I may share a little more of my canned items and such without delving into my lts foods. Also security needs to be kept in mind because when society starts reaching this stage they will get desperate and chances are thing will get ubly and possibly violent.

    I may also consider bugging out if it deterioates to this level. Give them some supplies to appease them and get out of dodge before they come back for more. Bugging out is all about timing if you want to do it safley.

    Scenario 3 I would tell them to take their car and well follow to get as far as they can. From there we can make arrangements if they run out before you can pawn them off on the authorities. Or give them a spare gas can or two, I can make the trip to and from my bol 4 times with a full tank. I have spare gas at my house I would probably give them some fuel and we could convoy out.

    There is no right answer, the scenarios have so many variables from how far you must evacuate, to how many people are in need. There is no one answer to these. Main thing is were a minority. The world is full of consumers and we are at a serious numerical disadvantage that no amout of fire power or supplies can overcome. We cant feed them or shoot them all. So the best we can do is know your neighbors, and think these scenarios through, and prep for them.

    Steps that may need to be taken may be having some extra supplies ready to be handed out to appease the sheep and buy yourself some time, openly carrying a weapon may deter some violence and keep people in check, bugging out at the right time is crucial for your familys continuing survival, maybe beginning to establish a neighborhood "gov" could be in order. Have everyone place some supplies, services ect on the table. The earlier this is done the better. These are just very few ideas to a multitude of problems produced during a situation. Everyone will have a different approach. But its my two pennies.
    "When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty." Thomas Jefferson
    "It's less dangerous, to run across a wild animal than a stranger." Vasily Peskov

  5. #5
    This guy has "some" flashlights. Just a couple. As in, a metric-butt ton of em.

    Echo2's Avatar
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    Scenario 1: BTDT...luckily the power came back....the neighbors ran one extension cord. They have a wood stove....but really wanted to have coffee. I was quite comfortable....but only have one close neighbor. If it was to be longer term...I would goto BOL.

    Scenerio 2: OPSEC....and agian....I would goto BOL....if not possible....secondary BOL....both have more folks to defend preps.

    Scenario 3: toss them a five gallon can and wish them well....good luck.

    Mentally prepped....due to the fact the general welfare of my wife and more important to me than you could ever be.
    The Difference Between a Welfare State and a Totalitarian State is a Matter of Time.

  6. #6
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Scenario 1
    They want a piece of it and show up on your doorstep demanding you share the wealth.

    Scenario 2
    While out cutting down limbs that are dangling near your house, a group of people from the local neighborhood come by. They'd like you to donate some of your supplies to some families who didn't think ahead.

    Scenario 3
    . They demand that they ride out of danger with you because their car doesn't have enough gas.

    These are the 3 reasons they need to get off my lawn. Now I'm not beyond helping ; But if you come to me with any of these 3 scenarios Then you just told me you live for the moment and / or are a socialist who believes that what's mine is yours if needed even though I'm the one who prepared for the just in case situations. And this includes my immediate family in this situation. Now this may sound cold hearted but everyone who knows me knows my way of thinking and living.

    This is to just clarify my 1st. post.

  7. #7
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    1. Leave now on your own, or some one can pick up your body in the morning
    2. You can have all the bark you can eat.
    3. Start walking folks, or you'll be crispy critters.

    Life is hard, I'm harder.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

  8. #8
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Great question and several good and valid responses. Here is my way of looking at it, knowing most of my neighbors pretty well.

    Senario 1: Our close neighbors on one side is a man with 2 kids, next to them his mom and dad, just down the road his brother, SIL, and 2 kids. The other side is a gentleman, wife and two adult kids. Then one single retired lady. We have already dealt with a lot of damage last year during the tornados and hailstorms. Granted it wasn't a long term power outage, but every one worked together to take care of things over the first day or two till things settled down. I feel sure that would happen in a worse case scenario. Outside of that there are folks down the road in both directions I don't know and some I wouldn't trust just seeing how they live. To those folks I would offer a minimum of dried beans and rice in exchange for labor for something to benifit the community. No work, no food. I feel certain the others would back me as well.

    Senario 2: Hurricanes aren't likely up here, but tornados would cause similar damage, same comments as above apply.

    Senario 3: Like some others have mentioned, I would offer a 5 gallon can and to convoy out. I think most of my closest neighbors would be on board with working together for this. It's not that far to a couple of town's and the athuorities would have shelters set up for them to go to.

    This would be a hard road to hoe and won't be any fun when it happens. But you better start thinking through these scenarios and others for your area, because at some point it is very likely something like this would occur and force your response quicker than you want to deal with it.

  9. #9
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

    The Stig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Echo2 View Post
    Scenario 3: toss them a five gallon can and wish them well....good luck.
    Other neighbors see you handing out your 5-gallon can and then start asking for "theirs"

    Now what?

    ETA: Just throwing out a what if...not arguing.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  10. #10
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

    The Stig's Avatar
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    Wow...some really good replies! Good stuff folks.

    Looking forward to reading more.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

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