Working on a home improvement project that will effect the preps and wanted to share it with everybody.

Here at Casa Del Stig we had this odd little porch directly off the master bedroom. While not as tall it looked somewhat like this one.

The builder of our home went bankrupt and we bought it out of foreclosure. The little porch off our master bedroom, and the odd shaped one at the other end of the house (shown above) were likely going to be tied together with some sort of massive patio. Alas the builder went Tango Uniform prior to completing the expansive patio and we were left with two smaller, and much more useless mini-patios.

The patio off our bedroom presented a number of problems. Besides a horrific security risk (french doors opening into a bedroom?!?!?) it was not sealed well against the elements. In addition to air loss (costing money that could go into other preps) and letting in bugs (nasty) it presented another big risk: flooding.

Even though we have hurricane shutters for the doors from the mini-patio into our bedroom, with the wind at the right angle it would drive water right into our house. Clearly not good.

I had originally wanted the doors removed and the wall covered over with siding.

Mrs Stig suggested erecting walls on the outline of the patio (sort of a triangle shape) and convert it into a big-ass closet. We could add frames following the edge of the concrete to frame up the walls, put siding on the outside, and blamo.....big ass storage area.

I love that woman.

ETA Fun Fact: The windows to the immediate left and right of the two green chairs is my office. Directly on the other side of that window is the desk from where I write these mindbending posts.

ETA 2: Please excuse the clutter and mess. I hate that area being so messy but we had a big storm the other day that blew things around like mad. The shepherds hooks are in the process of being relocated. And yes.....yes the grass needs mowed.