Reading a article about Donald Trump, I came across a interview from Robert Wiedemer. For those of you who do not know who he is, hes the guy who predicted the economy taking a dump. Apparently hes got some more predictions about crap coming our way economy wise that should happen this year. He layed out a basic plan how the middle and lower middle class could protect themselves during the next economical flashpoint. Because he is so vocal about it, and has been right on target so far, alot of the majority of the networks refuse to show the interview, so I thought I would post it up here for everyone to see, read, listen to, and perhaps take heed of. This guy has had a pretty intensive track record and hes not a media mouthpiece. He doesnt do this for the glory or fame, so take that into consideration when going over the interview. Now, understand the beginning of the article is a political piece about Donald Trumps comments about the current president, I would recommend that you bypass that part and read the latter part of the article.